RACE REALISM SURFACES AMONG IQ-BASHERS For reasons best known to itself (silly season? world economics making even less sense than usual to economists [with the neosocialist pound being exchanged for more than two dollars]?), the Economist (2 viii) reported a genetically based race difference - with the Swiss showing better `emotional memory' than Rwandans.
CHURCHILL WAS RACE REALIST Britain's `Greatest Briton' - as voted by BBC TV viewers in 2002 (beating Isambard Brunel, Princess Diana, Charles Darwin, William Shakespeare and Sir Isaac Newton, and winning almost half of the million votes cast) - was worried about increasing "coloured" [mainly Black] immigration into Britain of the 1950's, it transpired as historians ploughed through Government documents released under the sixty-year rule. Sunday Telegraph, 5 viii:
Winston Churchill considered blocking all immigration to Britain because he feared a growing "coloured population" was posing a threat to Britain's social stability. Churchill, then 79, told Cabinet colleagues that he did not "want a parti-coloured UK". At a Cabinet meeting on February 3, 1954, the prime minister told colleagues: "Problems will arise if many coloured people settle here. Are we to saddle ourselves with colour problems in UK?" Churchill said immigrants were attracted to Britain by the welfare state and he said: "Public opinion in UK won't tolerate it once it gets beyond certain limits."SEX REALISM Female mice switch from female to totally male behaviour (including attempts at rear-entry copulation) if engineered to lack just one single gene (designated TRPC2), Harvard researchers reported (Nature, 5 viii) - though pious scientists reassured paparazzi that the story was sure to be more complicated -- with multiple interaction effects -- in homo sapiens.
RACE REALISM Daily Telegraph, 3 viii:
A new fingerprinting technique that can identify the race and sex, and possibly the diet of suspects has been developed. Scientists have shown that using a gelatine-based gel and high-tech chemical analysis can provide significant clues to a person's identity even if police do not hold existing fingerprint records.{Top social anthropologists were doubtless rushed to the BBC to deny the existence of races; and peecee-propagandized pseudo-biological `scientists' -- arise, professorial Steves Jones and Rose! -- would have soon followed to deny that any link between race and fingerprints could be genetic.}
MULTICULTURALISM BREAKING UP While British and American troops tried vainly to enforce their political masters' illusion of multiculti Iraq and the domestically discredited Rev. Bliar got an international bishopric in piety to bring some semblance of peace (cf. Northern Ireland) to ex-Palestine, Tintin and Poirot's Belgium - which Britain created in 1830 and went to war with Germany to defend in 1914, and which housed Brussels, the very capital city of European multicultilunacy - was on the brink of splitting into its two main ethnic parts (Flemings and Walloons) (Sunday Telegraph, 5 viii).
PEECEE LUNACY COMPILED As the paedohysterical 100-day search for the disappeared 3-year-old Madeleine McCann continued to disrupt the lives of all and sundry in the Portuguese resort of Praia da Luz (not least including `Maddi's' doctor parents, who found themselves under suspicion of murdering their child), Washington announced the sorry truth that British troops had been beaten in Basra (having spent more time on multicultural social work than on killing Muesli insurgents) and the British Government received po-faced a report claiming that Black underachievement needed remedying by creating Black role models (who were in short supply because..).
BLACKS COST BILLIONS A solemn "independent" report (mysteriously called REACH, by 25 overwhelmingly sub-academic `experts') commissioned by Britain's terminally incompetent and peecee NuLabour Government on Black underachievement quite failed to mention IQ* and demanded multi-million-pound expenditure to over-promote Bleck men so they could be `role models' for Bleck druggie sexist rapist youf; but its Annex 3 did at least allow the estimate that the cost of Black stupidity ooops underachievement to the UK economy over the subsequent 50 years would be œ24 BILLION {doubtless a gross underestimate}.
* The risible report equally made no mention of the 807-page, 700K pounds, 1985 `Swann Report' to HMG, Education for All, with its Chapter 3 on `Achievement and Underachievement' and its Annex D by Cambridgemen Nick Mackintosh and Nick Mascie-Taylor, `The IQ Question' - reviewed critically by me ("The trouble in our schools is not racism but ageism") in Personality & Individual Differences 8 (1987).
** The new NuLabour manager, one-eyed three-dinners Grumpy Gordon Brown, had been so busy making excuses for NuLabour failures to prepare for floods and foot-and-mouth, annoying the Russians, enforcing `education' till age 18, sucking up to the European Union*** and tearing up the UK-US special relationship that he had not had time to notice this astonishingly witless and ill-informed product of Rev. Bliar's and hair-shirted overweight mother of four `Ms' Kelly's extravagance needed binning.
*** I proposed the snappy slogan `NO to EU' to Libertarian Sean Gabb (London) as my contribution to a multi-party campaign (to be headed by Peter Hitchens) for a referendum to reject the new European constitution - a campaign which would surely yield a National Liberal party as its culmination..
MUESLI DHIMMEST India's 138M Mueslis, left behind as brighter co-religionists fled to Pakistan as India got its useless independence from Britain in 1947, turned out to be struggling. BBC, 9 viii: "Indian Muslims are..largely illiterate and poor. At just under 60%, the community's literacy rate is lower than the national average of 65%. Only half of Muslim women can read and write. As many as a quarter of Muslim children in the age-group 6-14 have either never attended school or dropped out. They are also poor - 31% of Muslims are below the country's poverty line, just a notch above the lowest castes and tribes who remain the poorest of the poor." {Naturally the Beeb blamed the phenomenon on India's Hindu-dominated Government - which admittedly did employ large numbers of Indians as civil servants and railwaymen in its `PermitRaj.'}
BOYCOTT BLASTED In a major blow to British academics and their loopy-leftist trade union, the University and College Union, Jewish groups had little difficulty raising 300 American university presidents to condemn the proposed boycott of Israel's universities (see previously) (10 viii).
CATHOLICS STAND UP TO YAGS Responding to the injunctions of the UK's deranged homosexualist NuLabour government and its `devoted Catholic' fatty Ms Kelly (see above), Catholic Care, a leading British Catholic adoption agency, announced that it would cease operations in the light of the recently imposed repressive laws that they must allow children to be adopted by homosexual partners. Catholic Care thus became the first victim among the religious social agencies to announce that it could no longer operate under the Sexual Orientation Regulations (SORs) that proponents had claimed would put an end to "discrimination" in the UK. The agency, which had proudly operated for a century, announced that a vote of its trustees decided to end its services that had placed about 20 children a year into new families.
HARVARD PROF. RENEWS WARNING AGAINST PEECEE-MULTICULTURALISM E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the 21st Century [PDF] was the latest from Harvard sociology professor Robert Putnam (see above, x 2006) whose five-year study, which made hash of the politically correct clich‚, "Our diversity is our strength" (VDare, 9 viii, Pat Buchanan). After 30,000 interviews, Putnam concluded and reported, against his own progressive convictions, that ethnic and racial diversity can be devastating to communities and destructive of community values. The greater the diversity the greater the distrust, said Putnam. In racially and ethnically mixed communities, not only do people not trust strangers, they do not even trust their own kind. They withdraw into themselves, they support community activity less, and they vote less. "People living in ethnically diverse settings appear to 'hunker down,' that is, to pull in like a turtle," wrote Putnam. They tend to "withdraw even from close friends, to expect the worst from their community and its leaders, to volunteer less, give less to charity and work on community projects less often, to register to vote less, to agitate for social reform more but have less faith they can actually make a difference, and to huddle unhappily in front of the television."
BLACKS GET TOUGH ON SLAVERY!! Two hundred years after Britain (which never tolerated slavery) banned the slave trade, and 140 years after America outlawed slavery, the west-African country of Mauritania (where possibly millions of slaves were inherited as property at birth) moved to institute jail sentences for slavers and `slavery apologists' - slavery had been nominally criminalized in 1981 but no penalty had been assigned or implemented (Daily Telegraph, 10 viii).
COGNIWALLAH SNUFFS IT The press dutifully obituarized the simple-minded founder of `rational-emotive' and thus of `cognitive-behavioural' therapy (requiring devotees to `think positively' and to count up to ten if they felt anger coming on), bespectacled and surely Jewish Albert Ellis, 93, who had begun his life as a shy New York schoolboy and later accountant, disciplining himself to approach women on Central Park benches and thus to become a `sex therapist' before embarking on his life-time mission of leading psychologists away from Freud, Adler, Darwin and Galton-though he had at the last enough sense to make a third wife in 2005 of his 40-year-younger prot‚g‚e, Debbie Joffe (D. Torygraph, 10 viii).
PEECEE POLICE BLASTED As West Midlands Police and the Crown Prosecution Service complained to the TV watchdog Ofcom that a Channel 4 program had been unkind to Mueslis, theyfound themselves under fire even from the liberal-left Observer (12 viii), where columnist Andrew Anthony wrote that it `beggared belief' to say that Channel 4's summary of undercover-filmed mosque rantings against "kaffirs" (non-Muslims) (who needed beheading) was some kind of incitement to racial hatred (with which charge the peecee-addled fuzz had not themselves proceeded).
FLAGRANT ANTI-WHITE-ENGLISH PREJUDICE REMARKED The increasing arrangement by British authorities of jobs and training schemes that would accept only ethnic minority applicants was remarked by columnist Leo McKinstry (
Sunday Express, 12 v iii) who wrote:
"The Left in Britain have seized on mass immigration and multiculturalism as a battering ram to destroy the society they despise. They once sought to change our country through economic revolution. That failed with the Winter of Discontent and the downfall of communism. But demographic change through migration has proved far more damaging." {It was the advertising of training posts for Black psychologists only which had led me to a key decision some twenty years previously. From Brand for the Burning, Chapter X: "By the mid-1980's, the British Psychological Society was plainly becoming committed to the insane asylum of 'multiculturalism', 'affirmative action', anti-nuclear protest and, of course, opposition to 'sexist language.' In particular, the Society started running advertisements for positions that were open to Black applicants only.
I wrote in to the their house organ, the BPS Bulletin [later to become The Psychologist] to say that I would be interested to learn when the first advertisements would appear for 'Whites Only' psychology jobs in London's [notoriously racist] East End. The BPS would not publish my jocular missive, and all I received, together with my returned letter, was a scruffy compliment slip from one Ray Bull. That decided me: the BPS would not hear me, but the Eugenics Society would, so I resigned my twenty-year Membership of the BPS and signed up for eugenics."
RACE REALISM REVISITS OZ Charles Murray, visiting Australia at the invitation of the Centre for Independent Studies, told the Australian Broadcasting Company's Radio PM audience that, while the environment was generally "very important" for intelligence, he could think of "no good environmental explanation" for the intellectual superiority of Jews (especially Ashkenazi Jews) (`Genes make Jews smarter: researcher,' 9 viii). Traditionally egalitarian in its official public philosophy, Australia had been the scene of heated confrontations when Art Jensen and Hans Eysenck had lectured on race and IQ in the 1970s.
PAKISTANI PAEDOPHILIA The continuing* enthusiasm of South Asians (in this case the Srindopakeshis of the Indian subcontinent) for paedophilic practices surfaced as two `British' men of Pakistani origin were found guilty in the Crown Court of my Preston birthplace of `grooming' two under-16-year-old girls for sex by plying them with drink and drugs - the men pleaded guilty to achieving their objectives, having dished out Ecstasy tablets before having sex with the girls (who were `in care') on the back seat of a car and at an address in Blackburn, Lancashire (Times, 11 viii).
Zulfqar Hussain, 46, and Qaiser Naveed, 32, from east Lancashire, were each jailed for five years and eight months - rather less than the British press expected comedian Chris Langham to get for paedophilic downloading. According to campaigners against Srindopakeshi practices, parents of the hundreds of near-pubertal girls trafficked within the `Asian' community claim that criminal networks are able to prey on young girls because the authorities are reluctant to tackle the issue for fear of upsetting race relations in areas of the North West having large ethnic minority communities. Pakipaedophilia was usually blamed by race slumpers on Pakistani youth needing to wait through their teen years for their parents to make an arranged marriage for them with a virgin from their mother country - but this excuse clearly did not apply in the case of Hussain and Naveed.
Not to be outdone by Lancashire, Yorkshire soon came up with its own sex scandal as the city of Wakefield paid a œ1M out-of-court settlement to six social workers whom it had sacked after they complained of 12-year-olds being allowed to have sex in its `care homes' and of paedophiles being placed in homes with vulnerable youngsters.
* Adult x child sex
was common in the past in India and Pakistan. In India of the 1920's, even seven year-old girls were deemed sexually ravenous - not least because of earlier graded exposure to incest in the family.
ROME'S END DUE TO WELL-INTENDED IMMIGRATION Although, in 4th-century Rome, the elite of the Western Empire and their Goth immigrants had made happy common cause in Christianity after Constantine's victory at the Battle of Milvan Bridge (312 A.D.), conflict between Rome and the Goths began in the Eastern Roman Empire in 376 as Goths fleeing the Huns streamed across the Danube hoping to join their fellow Goths in the fertile service of Rome (Daily Telegraph (Review), 11 viii, Harry Mount, reviewing A. Barbero, The Day of the Barbarians).
In their first fifty miles trekking, the tall and blond, if shabby Goths were well received; but when the wave of immigrants reached Marcianople (today's Devnya, in Bulgaria), the good burghers refused to open their gates so the starving newcomers fought their way in, stripping Roman troops of their armour and weapons in the process. The inevitable result was the 378 bloodbath at the Battle of Adrianople, Thrace (today, western Turkey) where the Goths inflicted on the Romans their biggest defeat since Hannibal had crossed the Alps to win at Cannae 600 years earlier.
Subsequently, the Eastern Empire, unable to push the immigrants back into Germany, managed to push them further west, where fellow Goths in the Roman Army rose to support them, with the Goth career soldier Alaric sacking Rome in 410. The rest was history - including Rome being sacked by the Vandals in 455 - and by 476 the Western Roman Empire collapsed. {A story for our times if hordes of Mueslis fleeing the horrors of the Middle East are pushed on by Greece, Italy and France to Britain and America?....}
DROP THE PILOT, SAYS Bell AUTHOR Scores on the famous IQ-type Scholastic Aptitude Test no longer added anything to the prediction of college grades, said the lively-minded Charles Murray, co-author of The Bell Curve (The American, 13 vii). This might have been because the USA was already fully cognitively stratified, he ventured; or because rich parents provided coaching on the SAT for their kids as well as similarly boosting educational attainment.
Anyhow, Murray reckoned the SAT should be abandoned as pointless for all and dispiriting for those who did poorly on it. What Murray neglected, however, was that it was the rise of multiple choice testing in universities that had made intelligence less relevant than rote memory and hard work, thus opening the higher ranks of further education to girls and the otherwise mediocre. Sadly, the ingenious Murray, instead of keeping IQ in place to monitor its sorry irrelevance to modern university `achievement,' preferred to let the universities off the hook.
Certainly, his preparedness to join typical critics of IQ in slamming its importance was at odds with the increasing use of IQ testing by British firms to make up for the uselessness of university assessments (see previously -- SOCIALISM BOOSTS PSYCHOTESTING ) and by top English universities to discriminate between candidates for places in law and medicine (almost all of whom by 2007 were weighing in with equal achievement scores - 3 `A'-grade A-Levels) (Daily Telegraph, 16 viii, `Universities rely on aptitude tests to select candidates').
Even a weird `anti-racist' article in the Times (16 viii, by three-time Commonwealth table tennis champion, failed Labour parliamentary candidate and sports writer, ignoracist Balliol product Matthew Syed, who showed no sign of having read The g Factor or anything else from the London School) admitted that "the kind of intelligence revealed by IQ tests is crucial to one's prospects in the modern world" - suggesting IQ could only be ignored by dumbed-down postmodern universities teaching a diet of memorizable checklists using postgraduate student instructors.
MUESLI MAP A handy guide to Europe's Muesli problems showed that Britain had got off pretty lightly compared to its eastern neighbours - especially compared to Germany where perennially lowish-IQ Mueslis (coming as slave labour from Turkey) had "rampant" unemployment and welfare-dependency yet had been allowed to congregate in the centre of Berlin in a hermetically sealed community (where little German was spoken despite thousands of massively expensive state-funded initiatives to `integrate' them) and remained in their unreconstructed conservative misogyny `more Turkish than the Turks.