The holier-than-thou peecee BBC, which had long previously abandoned realism about race, sex and IQ, found its glossy new London HQ (costing £1B – in a multi-million-pound overspend) infested not only with mice (which it had apparently brought with it from its previous building) but with pooh pong (because the lower floors were at a lower level than the Thames, so effluent sometimes flooded back through the latrines, creating filthy conditions for staff) (Sun, 17 vi).
{Sadly, the colossal bill for all this incompetence would doubtless come out of the pockets of (compulsory) licence-fee payers rather than the multi-million-pound handouts to leftist programme-makers.}
As PM Daft Dave and Foreign Secretary Halfwit Hague reiterated their preference for keeping Syria’s civil war going by arming the ‘rebels’ and getting American boots on the ground (as probably much desired by Jews), Russia’s Vladimir Putin (newly acknowledged as lover of super-leggy gymnaste Alina Kabayeva, 30; in 10, Downing Street en route to a nice G8 multi-million-pound freebie on the leafy banks of lovely Loch Erne, near Enniskillen, County Fermanagh) pointed out that Basher Assad’s occasional limited use of chemical weapons was amply matched in inhumanity by Syria’s Solunnis tearing out the hearts of their Shitite enemies and eating them on TV.
In ethnically divided Iraq, Solunnis manifested their 1,400yr antipathy to their fellow Mueslis with a string of car bomb attacks, killing dozens and bringing the number of Shitites killed in the previous month to around a thousand (Guardian, 17 vi).
President Putin soon found support for the reasonable indifference to the Solunnis urged in this blog for two years. Boris Johnson denounced the jihad-accepting Solunnis as “maniacs” and even the officially moderate Archbishop Oilwellby and DPM Nice Nick urged caution before letting the ‘rebels’ loose with even more arms than they already had from Saudi and Catarrh.
In what threatened to be a major widening of S vs S strife, some Arab states, like Kuwait, began expelling Shitites – who promptly headed for Lebanon to link up with Hizbollah.
The ‘British’ Syrian community also divided along S vs S lines, with fear and loathing increasingly seen (Guardian, 18 vi).
{Britain would doubtless provide a great playground for S vs S stuff – what with police being busy investigating ‘race hate speech’, kiddieporn ‘looking’, policemen who put their hands round the throat of a drunken teenager, the use of hard [i.e. normal] cricket balls, and the 50-yr-old ‘abusive’ gropings of celebrities [which had caused no demonstrable or even mentionable harm] [but in 2013 gave ‘victims’ a chance of mega-‘compensation’ from the BBC].}
The latest horror of India’s 65 years of independence saw monsoon rains in the north sweep away scores of villages, destroying major buildings constructed to Indian standards, killing 70, losing 500, and leaving 10K pilgrims standed on a mountainside (D. Mail, 18 vi).
The advance of mad Mueslis – much helped by the West’s lunatic ‘Arab Spring’ – was instantiated for all who could learn in Egypt’s new [Islam-obedient] president putting in charge of lovely Luxor [on the Nile] a thug who had in 1997 {just two years after I was in Luxor} the killing in the Temple of Hatshepsut of 62, including 58 foreigners (D. Mail, 18 vi). {The citizens of Luxor would be furious, for their livelihoods depended very largely on the tourist trade.}
Though it was Liberals and the BBC (and its celebrities) who were most in the news for adultery, sodomy, shit-eating, hands-on-knees etc, the Labour Party got a slice of ancient action as the 1970s Bishop of Stepney (S. London),. ‘Father’ Trevor Huddleston [long a mainstay of CND and anti-apartheid activism] was revealed to have had a penchant for sitting boys in his lap and fondling their posteriors (Private Eye, 14 vi). Happily, in those far-off liberal days, Huddlestone was not prosecuted for ‘abusive inappropriate touching’ etc but was just sent off to end his days as Archbishop of the Indian Ocean.
As if it were not enough that the high heidjuns of the BBC and NHS had for a decade paid hundreds of themselves million-pound annual handouts in ‘pay’ plus bonuses and expenses, it transpired that they had forked out further mega-millions to gag possible whistleblowers who might otherwise expose all the fun being had in their outfits (euthanasia, paedophilia, ‘rape’ etc).
{Just why the bureaucrats could not rely on the criminal law to protect their outrageous taxpayer-funded outfits from malicious criticism was unclear. Of course, individual staff and ‘victims of paedophilia’ required protection – but any disclosure of their names or identities by a ‘whistleblower’ could be dealt with by civil law. Why the need for colossal gagging bribes? – Except to protect the fatcats who had grown superabundantly rich out of the taxpayer as propagandists for Labour?
Britain’s military history of fighting the French, Spanish, Dutch, Americans Germans, Italians and (occasionally) Turks and Russians was brought to an abrupt end by its own newly created ‘Supreme Court’ ruling that the country’s armed forces could be sued and even prosecuted by relatives unhappy that their wee darlings had died because of “poor equipment or negligence” (D. Telegraph, 20 vi, ‘Soldiers’ families can sue MoD over deaths’).
As usual, since Labour had introduced the ‘uman rights (but no duties) agenda, there was no appreciation that young service personnel joined up for love of money, country and the prospect of killing (unmentionable as this was in peecee times); and that, in Britain, soldiers were in any case all entirely free to leave if they disliked their armour, gumboots, commanding officers, breakfasts, rum rations etc. Never had it been more clear that Queensman Jeremy Bentham had been so insightful: ‘uman rights were “nonsense on stilts.”
That Barry Hussein Obarmy shared this recognition of Britain’s demise was made starkly clear as Chancellor George Osborne became an international laughing stock when President Obama confused him three times (i.e. without correction by his aides) with a 1970’s Black soul singer of the same surname and addressed him as “Jeffrey.”
This blunder exposed a deeper truth: the view of Obama’s administration that British politicians were pygmies and that Britain could be disregarded. The U.S. president made this abundantly clear at the pointless G8 country-house dinner-dance ooops summit in Enniskillen, where he couldn’t recall his own speech when there was a teleprompter breakdown.
Busty tennis champ Serena Williams, in London for Wimbledon, with straightened hair and in pink, dramatically illustrated feminism’s strangulation of free speech as she was hounded by journalists to say she was “deeply sorry” for having told Rolling Stone magazine that a 16-yr-old raped (in Ohio) while virtually unconscious by two youths (a Black and a White) should not have taken so much to drink – and had thrown in for good measure that the girl was “lucky” the attack (which the boys gleefully videoed) had been no worse (D. Telegraph, 20 vi, ‘Apology after remarks made in interview provoke outcry’).
After years of painstaking work by journalists, the Government admitted that NHS staff had covered up (and even destroyed the records of) the mysterious deaths of some sixteen babies in a maternity ward in 2009 (D. Mail, 21 vi). Abandoning its struggle to disguise NHS incompetence and crime, the Ministry of Health released names and photos of several of the puffy middle-aged ‘high-powered’ windbags involved, admitted they had been paid the usual gargantuan salaries (£250Kpa) and threatened to remove their pension pots.
{This raised the question: If pensions could be rescinded for naughtiness, just what had the NHS been doing issuing scores of gagging bribes (some as high as £500K) to possible whistleblowers?}
Never before had the revolting nature of the Blaireaucracy, with its vastly overpaid functionaries in hospitals, ‘schools,’ luniversities, copshops, welfare etc, been so starkly admitted – and there were likely many more names of ghastly Labourite staff that could come out. A Mail correspondent reminded:
"Friedrich August von Hayek the economist wrote in his book, "The Road to Serfdom" published March 1944 that Government oppression is inevitable under Socialism. He stated that Socialism undermines freedom and the incentives to produce so much that shortages and severe discontent are unavoidable and repression is the inevitable response by the Government. A failing health service is just one of the many signs that the UK and much of the EU is on the slippery slope to oppression and serfdom."
New research involving 29 luniversities in the UK found that at least 10% of female undergraduettes paid for their ‘studies’ by escorting, pole dancing, lap dancing or straight prostitution (Independent, 21 vi). The researchers (from Kingston and Leeds) reckoned such extracurricular activities brought in at least £355Mpa to UK lunis – doubtless helping keep open departments of ‘social anthropology’ where gals could ‘study’ pictures of naked savages and desensitize themselves to male desire while piously professing feminism and anti-racism.
France looked likely to have a popular good-looking blonde successor to Joan of Arc as the politicos of Brussels and Paris removed immunity from prosecution of FN MEP Marine Le Pen, who had likened the Muesli invasion of France to that of the Nazis {though the latter invasion was much smaller, more limited and more reasonable} (D. Telegraph, 19 vi).
An imprisoned Marine might provide French Whites with their last wake-up call before the savagery and irrationality of the Middle East overwhelmed them completely – though Frogs tended to prefer their illusion that all would see the delights of pseudo-liberty, equality, democracy and Frenchness if given long enough to live in French slums.
In an astonishing revolt from realism and her usual good sense, Germany’s Angela Merkel decided to have an argument with Russia’s Vladimir Putin (with whom she had seemed to get on perfectly well in Co. Fermanagh three days previously). With whatever encouragement from her advisers, Grossmutti Merkel demanded that Russia return the many hundreds of art treasures ‘stolen’ in 1945 as Russia, after four years of colossally sacrificial struggle, broke through to Berlin and won its Great Patriotic War.
VP was prompt in his reply: the pictures, far from being ‘stolen,’ had been “purchased with the blood of Russian soldiers” – as was indeed the case. Apparently Germany had become infected with the lawyer-funding spirit of paedohysterics, Jews and Palestinians: that decisions of fifty years previously should be reversed. {Many of Russia’s ‘stolen’ paintings had themselves been stolen from Moscow by Napoleon, then stolen in turn from Paris by the Nazis.}
A helpful summary of the tribulations of democracy around the world was provided by historian Max Hastings – responding especially to the mass disaffection of Turks and Brazilians with the governments which they themselves had only recently elected (D. Mail, 22 vi). MH properly stressed that demakrazy was worthless without free speech {effectively abolished by PeeCee in America and Britain} and without control of corruption {lost in Britain – where worthless gobbledegook-speaking functionaries could inflate their pickings and keep their misdeeds secret by invoking ‘Human Rights’ and the ‘Data Protection’ legislation}.
However, MH was not so bold as to say that democracies needed recognized elites having intellectual eminence and long-term commitment to their country – as had happened in Britain until the emasculation of the House of Lords in 1910.
Comments? Email Chris Brand. -- CV for Chris Brand. -- Some history.