Twice, in 2008 and 2012, Americans had voted in half-Black Chicago agitator Barry Hussein Obarmy to solve their racial problems; but an ABC News poll found (17 vii) that almost two-thirds of those surveyed said race relations were now generally bad – a total reversal of the sentiment detected in the first weeks of Obama’s presidency. A majority said the problem was only getting worse.
Speaking in Dallas as Blacks killed cops on a daily basis – risking a police strike if not a civil war -- Obama candidly acknowledged the scale of the fears facing the US. “I’ve seen how inadequate words can be in bringing about lasting change,” Obama said, adjusting his grip on his lectern as he faltered slightly. “I’ve seen how inadequate my own words have been.”
Stereotypes of White US cops being trigger-happy with Blacks were confounded by new research (Washington Post, 19 vii):
The most sophisticated lab study of police shoot/don’t-shoot decisions to date, published this year in Criminology and Public Policy, undercuts the Black Lives Matter narrative about trigger-happy, racist cops. Washington State University researcher Lois James put 80 officers from the Spokane, Wash., police department in highly realistic video simulators of street scenarios.
Officers were confronted with potentially armed suspects identical in all aspects, including body language and weapon, except for their race. The test subjects were not told the purpose of the research, which was conducted between August 2012 and November 2013, before the issue of race in policing reached the fever pitch of prominence that it possesses today.
The officers were three times less likely to shoot unarmed black suspects than unarmed white suspects and took significantly longer to decide to shoot armed black suspects than armed white suspects. James hypothesized that officers were second-guessing themselves when confronting black suspects, due to their awareness of the potential negative repercussions of shooting a black suspect.
James’s finding that participants, in her words, “displayed significant bias favoring Black suspects” in their shooting decisions replicated the results of two previous studies she has run on shoot/don’t-shoot decisions.
James’s work anticipated a much-discussed working paper by Harvard economist Roland Fryer. Fryer found that police officers in Houston were nearly 24 percent less likely to shoot blacks than whites (p. 50); he concluded that there was no evidence of racial discrimination in shootings there. In a data set comprising officer shootings from Dallas, Austin, Houston, Los Angeles and six Florida counties, he found that officers were 47 percent less likely to discharge their weapon without first being attacked if the suspect was black than if the suspect was white (p. 25), and that black and white victims of police shootings were equally likely to have been armed.
France’s empty verbalizers, socialists Pres.Hollande and PM Valls, found themselves booed by crowds at memorials for the 84 mown down in Nice by a pathetic macho-aspirant bisexual Muesli whose much-beaten wife had left him and whose employer had sacked him after he fell asleep at the wheel of his lorry – so he welcomed ISICK funding for his drug habits and for his transmission of impressive sums to his divorced parents in Tunisia.
One policeman – from a wheelchair – refused to shake his President’s hand. For, indeed, France’s politicians had done nothing to prevent the Muesli invasion. Marine Le Pen, the leader of the far-right Front National who polls forecast would reach the second round of next year’s election, said: “Nothing that we have proposed has been put in place. Considering the new nature of terrorism which is now a terrorism of opportunity ... the urgency is to attack the ideology on which this terrorism is based. And in this space, nothing has been done, absolutely nothing – no reintroduction of double punishment, nor depriving people of nationality, nor the closure of salafist mosques ... nor the banning of certain organisations. In truth, we are not at war. For the moment, we are in a war of words.”
Moved by the efforts of The Donald and his delightful retinue to maintain three days of ‘Trump’-chanting razmataz at the US Republican Congress in Cleveland, Ohio (‘Lock Her Up!’ was a popular chant whenever the name of ‘Crooked Hillary’ was mentioned), Holland’s anti-Islamofascist leader Geert Wilders understandably pointed to the 2016 year of success for Western nationalist movements as suggestive of what he called a ‘Patriotic Spring’ (Wall Street Journal, 21 vii).
Happily, the Trumpers issued – to applause -- several express blasts against ‘political correctness’ even though they remained politely obedient to peecee restrictions on the actual use of terms like ‘race,’ ‘Black,’ ‘White,’ ‘Asian,’ ‘IQ,’ ‘psychoticism,’ ‘criminality’ and ‘hyperbreeding.’
In this they were in turn a little braver than Britain’s new officially LEAVE government which, within days of taking office, abandoned all ‘targets’ for reducing mass immigration and settled for patriotic expression in sending skinamalinks PM Mendacious May for dinners in Berlin and Paris to build her up and to discuss whether BREXIT was BREXIT—a question to which eurocrat French President Hollande had a quick philosophical answer though Empress Merkel was more polite....
After decades of bullying once secular-controlled Turkey towards Western ethnicity-scorning democracy, the West found itself lumbered in Tukey with the ever-more-irate and unpredictable elected dictator Receipt-cheat Erdogging who had managed – with only 250 deaths -- to lock up 60K of his ‘putsch’ opponents in a single day, demanded extradition of an 80-yr-old ‘putsch’ leader from his retirement home in Pennsylvania, aimed to reintroduce the death penalty (feared by Western peecee politicos, who were mainly race traitors), threatened to tear up his deal with Empress Merkel to halt Syrian migrant flow, and made up with the Ruskies and Basher Assad.
In the circumstances, extending Russian control of the murderous Muesli Middle East – its problems exacerbated by Western ignoracist refusal to admit or adapt realistically to the eternal civil war between Solunnis and Shitites – looked just about hopeful. Why, in return for a sliver of caliphate linking them to mediaeval Sunni Saudi, the Turks might even be persuaded to be reasonable about the national ambitions of the Kurds! And Kenyan Obarmy’s lack of grip on world problems could hardly have been better illustrated.
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