NEOSOCIALISM EXPOSED AS TEACHERS VOTE WITH FEET Reflecting the uselessness of NuLabour's education `policies' - mixing the daft with the bright, tolerating aggressive behaviour and kindred rudeness and threats to teachers, and endlessly inspecting schools, giving tests and setting `targets - early retirement among state school teachers leaped 93% from its 1998/9 level of 5,580 to a 2005/6 level of 10,270 (Sunday Telegraph, 14 i). By contrast, frequency of retirement by teachers in the independent school sector over the same period rose only 33%.
Confirming NuLabour's incompetent persistence in egalitarianism, environmentalism, bureaucratic bullying and neglect of the g factor, teachers were becoming less interested in promotion. The National Association of Head Teachers' General Secretary said: "Readvertisement rates for heads' jobs have gone up massively. People are not prepared to follow them to fill the posts because of the aggressive level of accountability that head teachers now face."
Despite Britain's dumbed-down education system producing ever worse results (when comparison was possible - e.g. in English, Science and Maths), the largely uneducated Education Minister `Postman Pat' Johnson announced he would raise the minimum leaving age for pupils in England and Wales from 16 (14 in liberated 1945) to a tyrannical 18.
MULTICULTURALISM MEETS ITS MATCH As Western PeeCee/Multiculturalism/Relativism scaled new heights, with a top ballerina persecuted for the mildest of reservations about mass immigration, the Church of England -- which had long previously installed anti-elitism, anti-racism, anti-misogyny, anti-homophobia and dysgenics as central to its faith - found its project facing disaster as its top bishops in Nigeria threatened immediate schism if the Episcopalians of America did not bring their yags and kindred `liberals' under scriptural control (VirtueOnline,
15 i): yes, whereas femininnies had obliged the church by going easy on Black rapism and Pakistani enslavement of women and children, the Blacks of Nigeria, famous for their seven-child families, were not prepared to go easy on the West's mincing wooftahs.
`FAR RIGHT' GETS FUNDED Backed by the votes of of 23 million Europeans, the radical-nationalist parties in the European Parliament announced their formation of a formal bloc, entitling them to up to 700,000 pounds p.a. in funding from Brussels (BNP News,
16 i; Independent,
16 i). MEP Bruno Gollnisch, a Professor of Japanese at Lyons University and a leading member of the French National Front (awaiting a court verdict on charges of Holocaust denial), publicly announced that he managed to gather the 20 members required to form a parliamentary group. The caucus would be formed by seven French in the National Front, including Le Pen and his daughter, glamour model Marine, Austrian Andreas Moelzer, from the Liberty Party, three Belgians from the Flemish party Vlaams Belang, two Italians, including Alessandra Mussolini, one Bulgarian (who accused gypsies of selling 12-year-old children into prostitution), five Romanians and
Mr. Ashley Mote - an independent representing South East England (suspended from UKIP after facing charges - probably politically motivated -- of housing benefit fraud in 2004).
It was anticipated that MEPs from Poland's nationalist movement will also join. Notable in the policy statements of the new group (called `Identity, Tradition and Sovereignty' (ITS)) were welcome commitments to the family and freedom (as long urged in the William McDougall NewsLetter and this Diary/Blog) but they sadly felt it politic to avoid the topics of race, IQ and eugenics.
In view of the Eurorightists' support for Christian values and traditions and their apparent continued anti-Semitism, they looked quite well placed to pick up middle-of-the-road moralistic Muslim votes - as urged by America's Dinesh D'Souza who reckoned Muslims' main beef against the West was simply against the `liberal'-left obsessions to advance pornography, contraception, abortion, homosexuality (and kindred kinks) which they saw constantly paraded in the media (National Review,
16 i). They would probably need to make such an appeal unless they could promptly develop their promise of freedom - especially lower the age for voting, school leaving, sex, marriage, smoking, drinking and drug-taking to a realistic mental age of 12.
The setting-up of ITS was met by Germany's justice minister, Bridgett Zypries, moving to outlaw denial of the Holocaust, the parading of Nazi symbols and racist speech across Europe - but this new draconianism (which would have jailed Prince Harry along with David Irving) was rejected by even Guardian correspondents (
16 i) and elicited a fine rebuff from columnist Timothy Garton Ash (who nicely observed "Free expression is a unique and primary good in free societies; it's the oxygen that sustains other freedoms") (Guardian,
18 i).
OWN MEDICINE FOR MULTICULTURALIST The PeeCee revolution turned to devouring its own as short-sighted, Cockney-talking, toothy-smiling broadcaster and left-wing high priestess, star of the Mirror group, BBC and Channel 4 and editor of the centre-left Independent on Sunday from 1999 to 2002 (still `editor-at-large' in 2007), Janet Street-Porter, 57, who professed "strong anti-racist views," was arrested by Islington police and bailed to face possible charges of `racist abuse' of a Black woman neighbour (Daily Express,
17 i). According to neighbours, in a row over parking outside her œ1.5M Clerkenwell house, JS-P had screamed and called the neighbour "a stupid Black bitch" (Daily Mail,
17 i). JS-P was notorious in the area for her short fuse, whereas the Congolese-born woman, Julie Mbemba, 36, had a reputation as "a lovely person, not one bit troublesome." JS-P, who had apparently been "distraught" after the funeral of her "beloved sister," apologized for swearing at her neighbour but denied she had done anything `racist.'
ACADEMIC FREE SPEECH ATTRACTS WHAT PASSES FOR ACADEMIC SUPPORT Four weeks after the launch of `Academics For Academic Freedom', the protest movement continued to gather two or three signatures per day from Britain's spineless academics who had done just about nothing to support Geoffrey Sampson (Sussex), Frank Ellis (Leeds) or myself in our race realism. Times Higher carried quite a few letters, mainly in favour but some urging the hopeless `balancing' of free speech with responsibility/sensitivity etc. which is always bound to end free speech, especially when the judgment of `being offended by another's speech' is in the hands of alleged victims. One letter made the novel point that even paranoid tyrants would be wise to tolerate free speech - so as to learn what is really going on. The organization `Liberty' (which had never lifted a finger to help me) was said to be orchestrating an attempt to define free speech - but there was no immediate sign of this at Liberty's website.
BLAIR'S BRITAIN EXPOSED As effigies were burned in India and complaints raised in the House of Commons over `Celebrity Big Brother', where three grim British females, including the repulsively ugly, stupid* and ill-mannered Jade Goody, had taken to bullying** a beautiful, pneumatic, doe-eyed and refined if a little haughty Bollywood actress who had millions of adoring fans (especially among young Indian men), the two main achievements of Blair's Britain were exposed to the world at once on TV: the destruction of Britain's education system and educational expectations (for Jade, 26, had won celebrity for her ignorance under Blair, who had accelerated the dumbing-down of educational standards) and the advance of anti-racism to top*** religious status (for viewers who objected to the bullying of upper-class Shilpa Shetty took Jade's female jealousy and rudeness for `racism' despite Jade announcing that her biggest ambition was to get the autograph of Black singer Jermaine Jackson [brother of Michael Jackson]).
The episode ended amicably enough in housemates apologizing for rudeness and apparent racism while a cheery Jade (presumably still knowing nothing of outside reactions to her behaviour) denied she had said anything racist at all; Shilpa graciously accepted this But this apology (presumably induced by `Big Brother') did not prevent Jade being unceremoniously booted out of the Big Brother House escorted by a police guard for her protection from hysterical anti-racists whom she obliged by saying she was "disgusted" with herself; and showing her command of true Britoid religion, she volunteered "I'm nasty, but I'm not a racist." The British TV regulator, OFCOM, said that it had received more than 40,000 complaints about Goody's remarks, the most that had ever been filed against any program in the history of British broadcasting.
On the same day further disgrace for Rev. Bliar occurred as his top secretary, Ruth Turner, was arrested by police at 6:30a.m. and questioned with an eye to charges that she had `perverted the course of justice' in the matter of the virtual sale of knighthoods and peerages to people making big donations (disguised as loans) to Labour Party funds.
* Jade thought Sir Winston Churchill was the first Black President of the USA and believed herself the 25th most "inferlential" woman in the world etc. She herself had part-Black ancestry via her Jamaican father and had claimed to have suffered `racist abuse' as a child. Such was the public animus against Jade that even the none-too-brave Telegraph got near to raising the issue of Jade and her fellow witches' intelligence - calling the trio "cretins" and "morons."
** Suggesting she was a "thin" "dog" who couldn't speak English, lived in a shack and ate with her fingers etc. Shilpa at one point remarked she found such comments racist; but the
beauty later retracted the allegation - by then widely believed by a public clamouring for Jade to be thrown out of the `Big Brother House' whether for ignorance, bullying, racism or all three. Jade too denied her remarks were racist, saying she only called Shilpa a `Popadum' because she couldn't offhand think of the name of any other Indian food.
*** Times columnist Jane Shilling noted the new moral subtlety with which Jade had failed to cope (19 i): "She behaves as she does because she inhabits a culture in which clever, powerful people in the media have taught her that it is fine to call a person a c*** , but not to call them a Paki. She, less Jesuitical than her manipulators, can't tell the difference between one line of foul abuse and another, and in her hapless stupidity exposes the glaring flaw in their casuistry."
HERITABILITY LATEST 2006 ended with a handy new summary of the best modern empirical estimates of h2 :
height 85%; weight 70%; g 60%; personality 50%; interests 40%; social attitudes 35%; job satisfaction 30%; love styles 0%.
(In NewYork Review of Books, 30 xi, by psychologist Frank Sulloway, `Parallel lives,' pp. 39-42 -- reviewing Nancy Segal's new book on identical twins reared apart, Indivisible by Two.)
Email Chris Brand.
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