FEMINISTS INFURIATED Oxford University femininnies swooned as, just a few days before the beginning of their planned `gender equality week,' an Oxford nightclub attracted a student audience to see busty well-aureolaed babes in black leather gear allowing a huge 12' albino python to wrap and writhe around them, and then stripping down to all but their diminutive thongs and wrestling on the floor for customers' satisfaction (Sun, 11 xi).
REALISM RECOGNIZED My old sociologist pal Christopher Badcock of the L.S.E. (whose Freudian sympathies [in his book PsychoDarwinism] I had once lauded in Times Higher, 1994) got into the New York Times with his idea of there being a psychological dimension opposing autism to psychoticism (11 xi) - apparently a version of the realism/practicality vs idealism/subjectivity dimension of personality advanced in The g Factor (pp. 43-45). Supposedly, the dimension resulted from a genetic tug-of-war between paternal and maternal genes.
ANTI-WHITE GENOCIDE ATTESTED Providing Moronicans with another glimpse of what a Black-`governed' America could hold, a retired medical journalist wrote from South Africa to the International Criminal Court at the Hague complaining that attacks on rural Boers by gangs of Blacks had produced countless rapes and some 3,000 deaths since the year 2000 (AmRen, 11 xi).
Another visual aid to Black rule: in Nigeria, babies were being bred for sale - to be raised for child labor, sex slavery, or body parts. In Tanzania, African albinos could find themselves hacked for limbs to be used in witchcraft ceremonies (Observer, 16 xi).
PAEDOHYSTERIA DEFLATED After nine months of 4-million-pound expenditures in Jersey, police announced that no children had been murdered by the hordes of psychopathic paedophiles widely presumed to have been running around Haut de la Garenne orphanage in the 1950s -- bone fragments in the basement that had fed the paedohysteria of Britain's tabloids had turned out to pre-date the existence of the building and/or to be fragments of coconut (Classic FM Radio, 12 xi; Sun, 13 xi). My fellow Queensman and drinking partner, top Jersey cop Graham Power (once a supremo with Edinburgh police), found himself suspended - apparently I had failed in our conversations to impress on him the need for sanity about the modest predations of paedophilia.
YAGS vs BLECKS IN CALIFORNIA After California rained on OSambo's parade by voting to pass Proposition 8, banning gay marriage, tens of thousands of homosexuals took to the streets in San Diego, Salt Lake City and Los Angeles - especially concentrating their protests on Mormon churches, not wanting to admit that their main argument was actually with Blacks (not to mention Catholics and other Christians). Though allowed `civil partnerships,' California's nancy boys had whipped themselves into a frenzy over being denied marriages: they turned `like dogs' on a woman bearing a cross, trampling the cross into the ground, and threatened similar demonstrations in 175 American cities (CNS News, 14 xi).
COMPENSATION FOR PAEDOPHILIA LEADS TO MORE PAEDOPHILIA, AND WORSE A paedosadist was jailed for life after a court heard he bankrolled his abuse with hush money given after he was molested by Catholic priests in Ireland (Sun, 14 xi). David Cullen, 48, was sentenced over a string of sex attacks on boys as young as seven - some broadcast to other perverts live on webcam. He bought holidays for victims' parents to win their trust and converted a people-carrier into a mobile sex chamber. He once used it to rape two boys, one seven and the other 13, before filming them committing sex acts on each other.
BLACK LABOUR IDEALISM EXPOSED As convictions occurred for the 2007 death of a 17-month-old White boy in the north London borough of Haringey, in a rat-infested house reeking of faeces and urine, his 50 wounds (e.g. finger nails missing, finger tips missing [removed with a Stanley knife to expedite the extraction of finger nails], head cracked, ear falling off, spine broken) having been missed by Haringey social workers (incl. a Muslim doctorette*) in some 60 home visits without taking-into-care being thought necessary, it turned out that 50% of Haringey social work staff were Black and that the area had been in the unchallenged control of the Labour Party for 37 years and the council was devoted to PeeCee (Sun, 14 xi,
here and
here). It had been deemed right to leave the boy, `Baby P.', with his (apparently White) abusive 27-year-old mother** and two men in their thirties (at least one of them violent, cruel and illiterate, and one of them having a 15-year-old live-in girlfriend***) so the child could "bond" with its mama (who had previously been in trouble for abusing one of Baby P.'s sisters). The baby's facial injuries were disguised easily enough from Haringey `carers' by smearing them with chocolate (Daily Mail, 15 xi).
Identities of most parties to the case were being kept quiet "for legal reasons" despite the Sun alone having collected 100,000 signatures demanding the sacking of Haringey staff. A 2007 lawyer's letter from a whistleblower,**** complaining of physical and sexual abuse of children supposedly under the supervision of Haringey Council and addressed to then Secretary of State Patricia Hewitt and others in authority had resulted in no improving action that journalists could ascertain.
The woman who oversaw investigations into the whistleblower's claims about the handling of child abuse in Haringey before the death of Baby P had once been accused of obstructing the Victoria Climbie inquiry [into a Black girl who died at the hands of her Black aunt and partner who believed she was devil-possessed] (Daily Telegraph, 14 xi).
Vigilante groups appeared on FaceBook naming the mother and seeking to hang, draw and quarter her and her lover and lodger. Peter Hitchens pointed out that social worker, doctors and neighbours typically live in FEAR of households of the Baby P. type - this one in Haringey had included a snake and Alsatian (and pups) and the inevitable rottweiler.
The Sunday Mercury [Midlands], 15 xi, said it all: "We need to replace the simple-minded, bleeding heart social workers with teams of hard-headed, sceptical, determined investigators."
* This `doctor,' Dr Sabah Al Zayyat, apparently could not or would not examine the boy because he was, she said, too "cranky."
** She was prone to chasing men on the net and Bebo using the name `Need-Choc-Got-PMT' (Sun, 14 xi).
*** After a week of the NuLabour and Haringey carin'-and-sharin' authorities suppressing the story and buck-passing, re-iterating the mantra that `the correct procedures had been followed,' the full sadistic HORROR of the state-blessed Baby P. household was revealed by the teenager to the News of the World, 16 xi.
**** Nevres Kemal, a 44-year-old female former employee who had been legally gagged by Haringey Borough Council.
LIBERALS AND GREENS HAVE HIGHEST IQ Making me glad I had always kept `liberalism' in my proposal of a `National Liberal Party' for Britain (and why not post-2008 for America as the G.O.P. was revealed as a busted flush and a race-realistic* party for Whites seemed both necessary and viable as Democrats trekked off into the wilderness of idealism), the Scotsman reported as follows (3 xi).
The brightest children go on to vote Liberal Democrat or Green, according to a survey. The study by Edinburgh University researchers has found that childhood intelligence is linked to voting preferences and political involvement in adulthood.
The study - which looked at voting patterns in the 2001 general election - found that those with higher IQ ratings were more likely to vote Lib-Dem or Green in an election.
The survey - including cognitive tests at ages five and ten - was followed up with a study of voting habits at 34. Those who voted Green had an average IQ of 108.3, with Lib-Dem voters just behind at 108.2.
Conservative and Labour voters were further behind - with scores of 103.7 and 103.0 respectively, while voters for Welsh nationalist Plaid Cymru scored an average of 102.5. Scottish National Party voters had an average IQ of 102.2. The research also showed that British National Party voters had the lowest average intelligence - scoring just 98.4. Non-voters were found to have an average IQ of 99.7.
Sadly, the study did not apparently distinguish between fluid and crystallized intelligence as had my 1981 review of the psychology of politics,** where I had linked the former to agnostic moral liberalism and the latter to `anti-authoritarian' egalitarian welfarism; but no matter - it was nice to see IQ getting a mention, especially from race-shy E.LU. workers (though the people they studied had had their IQs taken as part of the British Cohort Study beginning in London of 1970).
* Steve Sailer (VDare, 4 xi): "..If you don't allow yourself to bring up race, you simply cannot run against the real Barack Obama. You wind up running against the fantasy made up by his strategist David Axelrod, credulously summed up last week by the New York Times' Brian Stelter as Obama's "refusal to be defined by his race and his aspirations to bridge the partisan divide". Why can't you run against the real Obama without talking about race? Because the real Barack is all about race." ..Obama's leftism doesn't derive from any particular ideological conviction. Instead it's utterly an outgrowth of his race. Leftism is his way of reassuring other blacks-and himself-of what he himself calls in his autobiography his "racial credentials". By spending 23 years in the business of, in effect, taking money from whites and giving it to blacks, Obama, who is half white by nature and utterly non-black by nurture, proves that he is "black enough" to other blacks and to himself."
** 1981 'Personality and political attitudes.' In R.Lynn, Dimensions of Personality: Papers in Honour of H.J.Eysenck. Oxford : Pergamon, pp.7-38.
[See also here for a discussion of the IQ/politics relationship -- JR]DEMOCRATIC DISGRACE As British TV cameras focussed as never before on a U.S.Presidential election, viewers were amazed to see that Americans had to queue for hours to vote - the left having rigged the system so that no high-paid or hard-working citizen would dream of turning out, and votes would chiefly be cast by welfare-dependent Blacks, students and oldies who had plenty of time on their hands. Staggering! (Likewise the British House of Commons had been hollowed out by Rev. Bliar - with all discussion pointless and no attendance necessary since all that mattered was what Bliar and cronies said to tabloid newspaper editors over London lunches.)
The democratic disgrace was still greater in that voters for both parties believed they were voting for Santa Claus -- for a bonanza bailout that would have BB2CC culminate in BB2CC2BB. In fact, Gramps was probably the more ludicrous of the two presidential candidates -- promising to heap on more massive government spending to pursue home ownership and retention at all costs. It was the Republican, not the Democrat, who entrusted the Treasury Department to renegotiate individual home loans and become chief principal write-down agent for the nation. By contrast, the Democrats had offered straight tax cuts for 95% of earners - cuts which (though spurned in Britain by Daft Dave's `Conservatives') would at least be likely to stimulate the economy out of the fast-arriving recession.
FUTURE BRIGHT AND ORANGE? As U.S. Republicans licked their wounds following their pathetically thoughtless and unrealistic presidential campaign, it seemed clear they had to gain the support of intelligent young Whites and that the way to do this would be to offer FREEDOM in matters of sex, drugs and educational streaming while placating Palinites with an insistence on FAMILY and FAITH groups as the usual vehicles for health and welfare insurance.
Fortunately, a likely future leader, the Yale- and Harvard-educated young ex-Canadian writer David Frum showed some awareness of this (National Post, 5 xi; Daily Telegraph, 6 xi). Perhaps he would also have fun changing the G.O.P.'s colour from the ridiculous red (internationally the colour of the left) to orange - the colour quite often favoured by national liberal parties in Europe. Seeing the possibilities of big changes to dissociate Republicans from protectionism for the poor, Black and elderly with which the Democrats had lumbered themselves, the Telegraph's lead cartoon showed a joyous young prisoner whose chain connecting his wrist manacles had snapped - the two manacles bearing the two words WHITE GUILT.
Note: Frum took the trouble in his article to blame the credit crunch expressly on the black bonanza - as had also the British National Party's Nick Griffin in
a splendidly sophisticated article (5 xi). It thus seemed BB2CC had become widely acceptable across the spectrum of the right, which in future only needed to flesh out regularly the dangers of false hopes and illusion-laden lending - especially when the IQ of short-term beneficiaries was low.
BLACKS PUT TO TEST BY OBAMA - `NO WAISTBANDS ROUND YOUR KNEES!' Whether Blacks would fit in with the kind of post-racial U.S. wished by Obamaniacs was set to be tested as Obama told nigga youf wiv attitude: ""Brothers should pull up their pants. You are walking by your mother, your grandmother, your underwear is showing. What's wrong with that? Come on . . . You don't have to pass a law, but that doesn't mean folks can't have some sense, and some respect for other people. And, you know, some people might not want to see your underwear -- I'm one of them" (MTV, 3 xi; PopBitch, 6 xi; Boston Herald, 7 xi).
Likewise, the Melbourne Herald Sun (7 xi) pointed out that Osambo's victory showed the American system was already fine - it was just Blacks who needed improvement (if that could be supplied..):
What must change is culture, and there Obama's work has yet to begin. All he has done is offer the shining example that anything is possible in America. A black man may be president, because the system does work, and if a man fails we might look closer to home for the reasons.
DECLINE AND FALL OF THE AMERICAN EMPIRE? An interesting comparison with the U.S.A.'s Black Messiah, from AmRen (6 xi):
Gibbon, in The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire sets the date for the fall of Rome at 476 A.D. The people of what was left of the empire had no sense that the empire had "fallen." There was just a new emperor.
From the distance of centuries, Gibbon points to the year 476 because Odoacer took the throne then. Odoacer was the first non-Roman emperor. He came from the Germanic invaders who had come into the country; they were only looking to do work that the Romans themselves wouldn't do, which in those days was serve in the army. Odoacer honored all the Roman institutions, and the Romans in Senate and native Roman people supported him.
BUSH-WHACKED AMERICA LEARNS THE TRUTH British historian Niall Ferguson (Glasgow, Oxford and Harvard) spelled out Dubya's role in the credit crunch in an article for Vanity Fair (xii, `Wall Street Lays Another Egg'):
"We want everybody in America to own their own home," President George W. Bush had said in October 2002. Having challenged lenders to create 5.5 million new minority homeowners by the end of the decade, Bush signed the American Dream Downpayment Act in 2003, a measure designed to subsidize first-time house purchases in low-income groups. Between 2000 and 2006, the share of undocumented subprime contracts [on the housing market] rose from 17 to 44 percent.
So America had already had its minority Dream! As one AmRen correspondent wrote (7 xi):
There's only one reason Obama won this election -- George Bush. Had he been a true conservative Republican, there would've never been an Obama victory. Now he gets to retire and live in the lap of luxury complete with secret service for the rest of his life, when in reality he should spend the rest of his life behind bars with a big black guy that's known to hate White people.
{Another interesting indicator of times to come would be if Whites started taking down their Stars and Stripes from the flagpoles in their gardens, no longer able to believe in the American Dream. This was certainly Peter Hitchens' advice -- Daily Mail, 9 xi, 'The night we waved goodbye to America.'}
CONGO: A VISUAL AID FOR MORONICA As Mulatto Messiah OSambo prepared for power in Washingtron D.C., the `Democratic Republic of the Congo' [amusingly abbreviated as DR Congo in TV headlines] continued to show pig-ignorant Americans what their country would look like after 50 years of Black rule, with most women raped and 8-year-old boys being forcibly recruited as half-starved killers into local militias (Sun, 8 xi). Black troops of the Congolese Government, high on drink and drugs, were robbing, raping and killing children at random (Sun, 10 xi) - especially victimizing the Hutu people whom they were meant to be protecting, since they were not sufficiently brave or competent to attack their Tutsi enemies (on whom the Frenchified Hutu had several times inflicted genocide [800,000 died], leading the Tutsi to anglicize and get their act together under a tall, dignified and bespectacled Black leader).
The United Nations accused both Tutsi `rebels' and Congolese militias of war crimes over the systematic killing of civilians in the town of Kiwanja, as fighting in the east of the DRC continued to spread (Guardian, 10 xi). Medecins sans Frontieres reported an outbreak of cholera (45 cases) in a refugee camp of about 50,000 people near Goma. As Angolan and BBC forces arrived to back the DRC, UN and Hutu, Tutsi-controlled Rwanda looked likely to back the determined and competent Tutsi `rebel' leader in eastern Congo, Laurent Nkunda. A spirited analysis of Hutu `refugee' rapism and genocide appeared
STATE-COMPELLED BIRTH CONTROL BACKED A social-democrat proposal being put to the Dutch parliament, to oblige irresponsible mothers to go on the Pill for two years, received guarded support from top Sunday Times columnist Minette Marin - at least if women had already proved irresponsible in their mothering of two children (9 xi).
OSAMBO'S MULTICULTURAL VICTORY TRACED BACK TO J.F.K. Barack Obama's Presidential victory triggered an immediate accounting of debts to be paid off in constructing his new administration. There were those who speculated that OSambo would be building a White House staff of loyal old Chicago hands. Others foresaw a bevy of Clintonistas. And still others had a vision of a kind of Kennedy redux that wags quickly dubbed "Obamalot." ..But the greatest Kennedy legacy to Obama wasn't Ted or Caroline or Bobby Jr., but rather the Immigration Act of 1965, which created the diverse country that was already being called Obama's America (Boston Globe, 11 xi).
Barack Obama's victory last week triggered an immediate accounting of debts to be paid off in constructing his new administration. There were those who speculated that Obama would be building a White House staff of loyal old Chicago hands. Others foresaw a bevy of Clintonistas. And still others had a vision of a kind of Kennedy redux that wags quickly dubbed "Obamalot."
But the greatest Kennedy legacy to Obama isn't Ted or Caroline or Bobby Jr., but rather the Immigration Act of 1965, which created the diverse country that is already being called Obama's America.
That act is rarely mentioned when recounting the high points of 1960s liberalism, but its impact arguably rivals the Voting Rights Act, the creation of Medicare, or other legislative landmarks of the era. It transformed a nation 85 percent white in 1965 into one that's one-third minority today, and on track for a nonwhite majority by 2042.
Before the act, immigration visas were apportioned based on the demographic breakdown that existed at the time of the 1920 Census-meaning that there were few if any limits on immigrants from Western and Northern Europe, but strict quotas on those from elsewhere.
The belief that the United States should remain a nation of European lineage was openly discussed when immigration laws were revisited in 1952. The resulting bill, the McCarran-Walter Act, was notorious for giving the State Department the right to exclude visitors for ideological reasons, meaning that a raft of left-wing artists and writers-including Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, British novelist Graham Greene-and scores of others were denied visas. But it also had the effect of maintaining the 1920s-era notion of the United States as a white nation. (Congress imposed the bill over President Truman's veto.)
A decade later, attitudes were changing, and President Kennedy proposed a new immigration structure that would no longer be based on national origins. After Kennedy's assassination, his brother Ted took up the fight, pushing the Johnson administration to go even further than it wanted in evening the playing field. Though Lyndon Johnson, in signing the bill, tried to reassure opponents that it wouldn't do much to change the balance of immigration, its impact was dramatic.
Email Chris Brand.
Some history.