DYSGENICS BACKEDIt transpired that the world’s greatest evolutionary theorist, Bill Hamilton, just before he died, had published a very favourable review of Richard Lynn’s Dysgenics (Ann.Hum.Gen., 2000) – while allowing that Western levels of g might be rising temporarily thanks to medical advances (allowing bigger infant head sizes), female adultery (allowing babies by more amusing husbands) and possible bits and bobs of ‘epigenesis’ (as 20th-century children had more choice to select environments).
THIRD WORLD HORRORS REVEALEDSo ghastly was life under Muesli rule that third-world kids were even troubling themselves to qualify (in their own benighted and corrupt countries) as medics so as to get into Britain and then take jobs as dustmen ooops dustpersons (Daily Mail, 24 x, ‘One third of ‘brain surgeon’ immigrants in unskilled jobs’).
GERMANY TO JACK MULTIKULTI None less than the distinguished editor of Germany’s Die Zeit predicted Germany would move swiftly to solve its problems with the increasingly uppity, unemployed and Islamized descendants of its Turkish Gastarbeiter (themselves compellingly critcized by Bundesbanker Thilo Sarrazin, q.v.)(Wall Street Journal, 25 x):
The country will now, through proper parliamentary procedures, tackle what was ignored for so long.
It will make German-language training mandatory, it will train teachers with intercultural skills, it will demand as a condition of entry not only a job offer, but also proof of language ability. In December, the Government will make certification of foreign degrees easier; there are just too many taxi drivers with a university background. In short, it will select rather than just admit "migrants." Germany might eventually also pass a real immigration law, implying a point system for needed skills—just like Canada.
Immigration is a fact of Western life. But "Multikulti," as the Germans call it, is a dream that failed. "Migrants" are now called upon to become citizens, which is a win-win situation for both the country and the newcomers. As Germany's "Mr. Tea Party" counts his royalties, he may also savor his political triumph. His book, dyspeptic and shoddy as it may be in parts, has unleashed a quiet revolution in Germany—minus the demagogues that now torment the rest of Europe.
Mr. Josef Joffe is editor of Die Zeit and senior fellow of the Institute for International Studies and Abramowitz Fellow of the Hoover Institution, both at Stanford.
PROJECT PREVENTION SUPPORTED US eugenicist ooops humanitarianMrs Barbara Harris (q.v.) found appreciation of her anti-druggie-procreation efforts on a Manchester Evening News blog (25 x):
Addict idea has merit
A GP friend rang the other day after hearing me on Radio 2’s Jeremy Vine show condoning a new charity scheme to offer drug addicts £200 to be sterilised.
"You can’t believe that’s right," she spluttered. "I’ve known some of the addicts I treat in my special drug clinics for some time. They’re still people."
Thus the irony was lost. Of course they are people. People who are committed to a life of narcotic abuse and who, if they or their partner fall pregnant, are incapable of looking after the child. Meanwhile babies continue to be born with an addiction and go through hellish weeks of agonising pain to be weaned off the drugs.
This is not about eugenics, mass castration or exploiting the vulnerable. Every case is assessed on its merit by doctors who know nothing of the motivation of an individual’s desire to be sterilised.
The Project Prevention scheme is not mandatory. However, detractors rage that addicts will simply get sterilised in order to pocket the cash and spend it on drugs.
Doesn`t that justify the argument?
‘RACISM’ GETS A GOOD NAME As three Labour Muslim peers (two ‘Lords’ and a ‘Lady,’ all millionaire donors to Britain’s Labour [aka Non-Labour] Party) were suspended from Parliament accused of expenses fraud costing taxpayers scores of thousands of pounds, they were promptly said (by another Muslim peer, one ‘Lord’ Alli [a multi-millionaire media entrepreneur]) to have been victims of ‘racism’ (Daily Telegraph, 21 x) – thus sullying the overuse of the ‘racism’ card.
A formal sleaze inquiry found that the ‘peers’ had wrongly claimed a total of nearly £200K by deliberately registering properties they rarely or never stayed in as their “main home,” making them eligible for lucrative parliamentary overnight allowances when having to use their “second home.” The Lords’ Conduct and Privileges Committee recommended that Lady Uddin, who had failed to apologise or repay £125,000 in illegitimately claimed expenses, be barred from Parliament until April 2012 – the harshest punishment handed out to a peer since the 17th century.
Baroness Flather, a cross bencher of Indian origin, said that she was “sad” that the peers involved in fiddling their expenses had all been of Asian origin, and attacked the three over their claims. Criticising Lord Paul for statements he made in which he claimed he did not understand the term “main residence” as it was not part of his “culture,” she added: "I want to say how distressing it is for me personally to find the 80th richest man in Britain, Lord Paul, saying that he didn't understand what 'main' and 'residence' meant. All of us know what they mean. And if we don't, may I suggest that we should not be sitting in this chamber.”
The House of Lords voted unanimously to confirm its sleaze committee’s recommendations of immediate suspension of the ‘Asians.’ {It was unclear why the trio were not being put on trial in criminal courts. Perhaps more ‘racism’ – affirmative racism – was involved in this decision.}
LONDON-SCOTTISH SCHOOL CELEBRATES Happy chance brought together, in Edinburgh’s top ‘King’s Balti’ restaurant, Buccleuch Street (just by the LUniversity) several leading supporters of the g factor and hereditarianism in general. The visual aid shows, from left to right:
Professor [of Differential Psychology] Ian Deary FRSE, author of hundreds of articles and several books on g (most recently A Lifetime of Intelligence: Follow-Up Studies of the Scottish Mental Surveys of 1932 and 1947, APA:Washington)
Chris Brand FGI, author of The g Factor, Wiley DePublisher, and of the long-running Oz blog ‘IQ & PC’
Tom Brand CPA, London-settled chemist-turned-lawyer, filing and prosecuting patent applications on a global basis
Natalie Brand (aka Shiou-yun Fang), art historian, journalist and lecturer, most recently authoress of books on Gauguin’s sex life
Michael Palairet (aka Henry), Huguenot freedom-fighter and economic historian, author of The Balkan Economies, 1800-1914 and of a most judicious but supportive review of IQ and the Wealth of Nations (in Heredity, 2004).As we discussed Anglo-Scottish connections (for both Ian and Tom had Scottish grandfathers, Shiou had two Scottish degrees, and Henry and I had made E’bro’ our happy home for some forty years), Tom suggested that the London School could helpfully be renamed as the London Scottish School – partly echoing the successes of the London Scottish rugby club, but more particularly marking the success of Ian’s 13-year-long project tracing the importance of early IQ to life chances and the historical facts that both McDougall and Cattell had both Scottish fathers and strong connections with London (the former as lecturer in UCL, the latter as a chemistry First at UCL and a Ph.D. in psychology from King’s College).
It was also notable that Ian’s latest book had been dedicated partly to Sir Godfrey Hilton Thomson, the Edinburgh multifactorialist student of intelligence; and that Sir Cyril Burt had journeyed to Edinburgh from London in 1925 to oppose phrenology and insist on the importance of the g factor.
And of course Eysenck visited Edinburgh from London several times around 1990 to lecture on favoured themes;* and Richard Lynn visited at least twice and Phil Rushton at least once (both being entertained in Sth Clerk St Mansions).
Still more particularly, I myself grew up on Britain’s spineline London North-Eastern Railway (LNER) as a casual trainspotter, riding my wee bike as a 9-yr-old out to the footbridge near the the New Southgate / East Barnet tunnel to see the 134mph Mallard shoot out and to get a glimpse of ‘dirty’ postcards that older boys had brough back from Paris….
Later, my first big hitchhike in the UK (with a Bad Wildungen penpal) was to Edinburgh, c. 1960; I b&b’d in E’bro’s Minto Street [just a stone’s throw away from my current flat] c. 1963; and my first national psychology conference was in Edinburgh, 1968 [for which Nuffield College kindly supplied an airfare].
My own mama’s first long-distance travel [free, thanks to her father being a signalman] had been to E’bro’ – giving her a taste for travel which eventually took her on holidays to the Rhine, South Africa (Capetown) and New Zealand (Auckland).
Oh dear, I digress…. But this ramble should not fail to mention that Galton’s obsessional record-keeping showed Scots girls (esp. those of Aberdeen) to be the prettiest….
* My review of Playing with Fire is forthcoming in Intelligence.
ISLAM PREFERABLE TO NEW LABOUR Lauren Booth, the sister-in-law of multi-millionaire creator of New Labour, Tony Blair, decided to jump ship and convert to Mohammedanism (Guardian, 26 x) – just about any despotism (with threat of beheading if she ever apostasized) being apparently preferable to that of the luxury of New Labour’s multiculti peecee neosocialism.
WHITE RACE COMES TOGETHER Russia and Nato came to a landmark agreement to supply powerful Russian helicopter gunships [much feared by the Taliban because they could actually fly in the godforsaken conditions of Afghastliland] and trainers to the Afghan Army, apparently united in resolution that AfPak should not remain under Tallyho control (Guardian, 26 x, 27 x; Spectator, 27 x).
In beefing up the West’s nine-year-long feeble efforts against 14th-century Mueslis, Russia was doubtless thinking to protect its own soft underbelly against Muesli mayhem and to stop the West moaning about South Ossetia; but agreement to two-hour meetings between Presidents Medvedev and Obama and Nato officials was nevertheless striking.
No doubt the West realized its need for Russian gas and help getting supplies to its troops in Afghastliland and was grateful for the effort by Russian (if not Israeli) espionage to mess up Iran’s nuclear-bomb programme by the insertion of a computer ‘worm.’
{The only conspicuous problem was the resolution of all parties to eradicate the Aghastly poppy crop – which could otherwise have been used to replace much of Britain’s filthy and gay-socialist-ridden ‘National Health Service’ [aka National Death Service].}
JEWISH RACISM REMARKED The strict racial – not religious – requirements for people wanting to settle in Israel were detailed by the British National Party, which remarked the hypocrisy of the Jewish Chronicle in criticizing the BNP for advocating a similar – actually more liberal – policy for Britain (
27 x).
STRIKERS’ GIFT London firemen gave CamCo a serious chance to ban strike action (first in monopoly suppliers) by threatening to strike on Guy Fawkes’ Night (when England’s parents and children were notoriously prone to set their houses alight while commemorating the 1605 Catholic plot to blow up Parliament).
PM Cameron’s duty was made easier by the firemen demanding (at a time of 20% cuts in government spending) an extra £10Kp.a. – on top of the £33K which they had already for ‘work’ that chiefly involved high-speed driving, sleeping and playing gin rummy. Cameron denounced the threatened strike as “irresponsible” (Sun, 28 x).
The ‘job’ of being a fireman was already so popular that there were forty applications for each vacancy; and the firefighting work was so easy that it could be done by wymmin (so long as they had a Labour Party card) and allowed a third of London firemen second jobs as accountants, taxi drivers, models and ‘retained’ firemen for other forces (Sunday Mail, 31 x).
PROJECT PREVENTION GETS LIFT-OFF After the BBC aired a 30-minute documentary about Mrs Barbara Harris, her family, and her non-profit organization,
C.R.A.C.K.'s humane-but-also-eugenic PROJECT PREVENTION, she received thousands of emails, with correspondents asking that she bring her offer to their own country, and hundreds of media requests from around the world (Sys.com Media, 27 x).
GERMANY MOVES TO OUTLAW FORCED MUSLIM MARRIAGES Germany’s Interior Minister, Thomas de Maiziere (no doubt terrified by Dr Sarrazin, q.v.), said forced marriages would in future be treated as a criminal offence with a jail term of up to five years (if a government-planned law were passed by parliament [the Bundestag]). Forced marriages had been previously treated by German law merely as a (severe) form of ‘coercion’ (Reuters, 27 x).
The German Cabinet also sought to enforce action against immigrants in Germany who did not follow "integration courses" to help them adapt to life in the country. Mr de Maiziere estimated this affected around 10 to 15 per cent of immigrants in Germany. Authorities would be obliged to check whether immigrants have followed such a course before considering an application to extend their stay in Germany.
‘INTELLIGENCE’ RECALLED In dark noughty days, when the terms ‘intelligence,’ ‘IQ’ and indeed ‘psychology’ were seldom heard (thanks to cowardly academics and socialistified mediafolk bowing to PeeCee), a supporter kindly sent me a reminder of a golden past. All the quotes came from the great artistic appreciator of sex and religion, Paul Gauguin -- the subject of major 2010 exhibitions in London and Taipei.
The great artist is a formulation of the greatest intelligence: he is the recipient of sensations which are the most delicate and consequently the most invisible expressions of the brain.
Do you know what will soon be the ultimate in truth? – photography, once it begins to reproduce colors, and that won't be long in coming. And yet you want an intelligent man to sweat for months so as to give the illusion he can do something as well as an ingenious little machine can!
It takes intelligence and knowledge in order to judge a book. To judge painting and music requires special sensations of nature besides intelligence and artistic science; in a word, one has to be a born artist, and few are chosen among all those who are called. Any idea can be formulated, but not so the sensation of the heart. What efforts are not needed to master fear or a moment of enthusiasm! Is not love often instantaneous and nearly always blind? And to say that thought is called spirit, whereas the instincts, the nerves, and the heart are part of matter. What irony!
On an intelligence which is my own, I wanted to build a superior intelligence which will become that of my neighbor if he wishes it.
In great intelligences, ambition is only negative. It struggles, works, creates, not because it is desirable to surpass others, but because it is insupportable to be surpassed when one feels onself capable of not being.
AFRICA AT FIRST HAND Reviewing The Masque of Africa: Glimpses of African Belief (by British-Indian-Trinidadian Nobelist V.S. Naipul), columnist Johann Hari was moved to record his own experiences of African superstition (Slate, 25 x):
I have stood in a blood-splattered house in Tanzania where an old woman had just been beaten to death for being a "witch" who cast spells on her neighbors. I have stood in battlefields in the Congo where the troops insist with absolute certainty they cannot be killed because they have carried out a magical spell that guarantees, if they are shot, they will turn briefly into a tree, then charge on unharmed. I have been cursed in Ethiopia by a witch-doctor with "impotence, obesity, and then leprosy" for asking insistently why he charged so much to "cure" his patients. (I'm still waiting for the leprosy.)
Another reviewer, Ed O’Loughlin (Sunday Telegraph, Seven, 5 ix), had written: “There is ammunition here for those who say that Naipaul’s famous pessimism, applied to Africa, can cross the line into racism. When a Ghanaian demonstrates ‘analytical thought,’ Naipaul immediately attributes this facility to one of the man’s remote ancestors, a Danish slave trader.”
CONSERVATISM ON THE MARCH With the election of a Mueslie extremist mayor in London’s ‘Tower Hamlets,’ thus having a billion-pound annual budget (Spectator, 28 x), and with Tony Blair’s sister-in-law (Lauren Booth*) converting to Islam voters were able to expect the end of female liberation, yag liberation, drinkers’ liberation and booksellers’ liberation. (Black slavery could not be far behind, as in Mauritania.)
Typically, tolerant Britain, led by its out-of-touch politicians who professed they could damp things down for a few more years, danced quiescently along – perhaps reckoning that a Muesli future for East London and Bradford could be quite fun in the manner of West Belfast, Liverpool, East Glasgow and similar hell-holes of exemplary unpleasantness.
Glasgow made its own contribution to traditional modesty by setting up a ‘halal’ women’s hairdressing salon where, behind frosted glass, Muesli women could remove their burkas with impunity (Glasgow Herald, 24 x). “It is somewhere where customers can feel comfortable, feel pampered and relaxed, knowing that no-one is going to come in and disturb them,” said owner Iqbal. “Muslim husbands can feel relaxed knowing that their wife is safe, where no man is going to be able to see them, and then they can come home and show their beauty. Muslim clients have never experienced this ever. It’s a great feeling.”
An ex-Muslimme explained for the Daily Mail (27 x) the strict programme provided for her by her father as she grew up in London: “There were so many random, petty rules. No whistling. No chewing of gum. No riding bikes. No watching Top Of The Pops. No wearing make-up or clothes which revealed the shape of the body. No eating in the street or putting my hands in my pockets. No cutting my hair or painting my nails. No asking questions or answering back. No keeping dogs as pets, (they were unclean). And, of course, no sitting next to men, shaking their hands or even making eye contact with them.” {No wonder Islam means ‘submission’!}
* Sunday Mail, 31 x.
GENE FOUND FOR LIBERALISM Thirty-three years after Eysenck & Eaves reported in Nature (via twin study) substantial heritability ‘conservatism’ and ‘tender-mindedness,’ researchers in San Diego and Harvard found a gene (DRD4, apparently operating via dopamine circuits) that was associated with liberalism and open-mindedness – especially in people who had enjoyed a good social life in adolescence (Physorg.com, 27 x). {As one wag remarked: ‘Now to find a cure!’}
GERMANY CALLING The agonies of peecee Germany, as Thilo Sarrazin (q.v.) sold a million copies of his book mentioning the IQ problems of Mueslis, brought out top leftie-relativist intellectual Jürgen Habermas (professor emeritus of philosophy at the Goethe University in Frankfurt) to moan and groan about realism to America’s NYTwits (28 x) – though without actually discussing any of the work of Jensen, Eysenck, Rushton or Lynn.
Meanwhile, the belated mosque-haters of Cologne were linking up with Austria’s passably racist (but not conventionally liberal) Freedom Party (FPO) to have a go at hardcore Mueslis (Guardian, 31 x, ‘German far right emerges from shadows to join Cologne campaign against mosque’).
HAPPY-CLAPPY MULTICULTI WEST ROCKS ON As Mueslis caused multi-million pound havoc at airports in the UK and USA by sending ‘inkjet bombs’ in printers despatched from Ye Olde Beardie-Weirdie Yemen and Much-Spanking-in-the-Hilton Abu Dubai (one of whose princes had just been convicted in London of murdering his homosexual Black slave], it turned out that the West had precisely no technology to sniff out Semtex disguised as printer ink and, once it had discovered the plot thanks to human intelligence, and had precisely no up-and-running proposal to charge the costs of the scare to the Muesli community (starting with the East London Mosque). Happy days!
BALD WITCH HONOURED BY ‘SOCIAL SCIENTISTS’ For its Halloween Honours (31 x), London’s unheard-of ‘Academy of Social Sciences’ (ASS) selected as a fee-paying useful idiot (along with thirty other unheard-ofs) a “Sometime Visiting Professor of Photographic Culture, U. Derby,” one Halla Ballsoff (once a part-time lecturer in psychology) who had been principally responsible for running the campaign at E.LU. 1996/7 to have me sacked for insufficient femininnie piety. Never was an ASShole so well chosen! Side-splitting!
Email Chris Brand.
Some history.