NOT ENTIRELY FORGOTTEN.... I was glad to find the (sensationally thoughtful....) 2003 multi-authored chapter on intelligence ([English] Brand, [Belgian] Constales & [American] Kane), ‘Why ignore the g factor? – Historical considerations’ (q.v.) (a chapter which, like The g Factor, could not be mentioned in the ever-more-boring articles by produced Western academic psychologists), got cited (its Abstract being fully reprinted) in an up-to-date summary of intelligence theorizing
here (17 i 2012).
Another website, 17 ii 2011, had – as I googled -- kindly referred to the chapter as providing “a nice summary of the g affair.” The chapter also got cited as Nature/Heredity/The Genetics Society (2012) at last released my (pungent) 2003 review of the burblingly pro-‘GxE interaction’ book, The Intelligent Genome.
A review at ‘NeoEugenics’ specially picked out the following paragraph from the chapter:
"When an appeal to [GxE] 'interactionism' is thought too risky or over-used, the second refuge is in the work of James Flynn (e.g. 1984) telling of the secular rise in IQ-test scoring that was first noticed in 1948. Unfortunately for this notion, these test-score gains are greatest on sub-tests of copying skill [Coding or Digit Symbol] that are relatively poor measures of g (Rushton 1999); and no-one has ever explained them or been able to speed them up.
Flynn himself had hoped that Black test scores might be rising as fast as those of Whites once did; and Hunt (1999) still thought the Black-White gap was 'clearly decreasing' and had already declined to 0.8 SD units (i.e. 12 IQ points). However, Murray (1999) reported National Longitudinal Survey of Youth data from the previous generation showing no closing of the racial gap in fluid g; Nyborg & Jensen (2000) found a highly significant (p<0.00001) Black-White difference of 1.174 in psychometric g in a sample with an N of 4,037; and in 2000 the U.S. federal Department of Education said the Black-White gap in reading had actually been increasing through the 1990s — leaving the average Black 17-year-old of 2000 reading only about as well as the average White 13-year-old. Statewide achievement testing in New York State in 2002 found large race differences persisting that could not readily be attributed to the socio-economic backgrounds of pupils (Hartocollis 2002)."
ETHNIC CARNAGE ARRIVING Having failed to support Tunisia’s president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak and Libya’s Colonel Gadaffi, Western liberals (including most politicos) found they had drawn the short straw as [London opthalmologist] President Assad of Syria stood up to Syria’s own ‘Arab Spring’ rebels, killing a few dozen of his rebellious Sunni citizens daily in attacks on their homes (Sunday Mail, 29 i) and bringing ever closer the time when the hate-filled unseparated ethnic Muslim sects of the Middle East would embark on Shitite vs Solunni civil war which might finally teach multi-culti-loving America what the Muslie world was like. (The French, devoted to égalité as the official basis of their failed state [kicked out of Vietnam, Algeria and Rwanda and invaded by 6M Mueslis], were probably incapable of learning.)
‘ECONOMICS’ As banking chief Stephen Hester (Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford; CEO of the bankrupt Royal Bank of Scotland; hobbies gardening and hunting) was bullied into waiving £1M of his likely 2011 income of around £12M, Britain’s press and politicos, having drawn first blood, turned to thinking of which other contracts could be broken by media pressure (Guardian, 30 i). Anything rather than get Britain’s useless economists (or even PR types) to discuss on air whether the salaries and bonuses of Hester and others were justifiable! Anything rather than explore the psychology of Glaswegian ‘Sir’ ‘Fred the Shred’ Goodwin who had wrecked RBS but declined to give up his knighthood (awarded by Labour for “services to banking”)! Anything rather than – after four years of indecision – telling the banks, their shareholders and customers that they would not again be bailed out by nationalization and that they must cut down the banks’ sizes/monopolies so they were no longer ‘too big to fail’! The inability of the chattering classes to be either academic or practical was only to be expected from ‘liberal’-leftist goons who – despite a century of compelling London School evidence -- could not even accept the g factor.
DYSGENICS It transpired that Britain was giving £11B to ‘support’ warlord-torn Somalia (with only patchy government since 1991*), where the average woman had four children (Sun, 30 i). (Evidently piracy was as profitable as it had been to Britain in Elizabeth I’s days – combined with heart-wrenching production of wide-eyed infants on TV to keep Western ‘aid’ flowing. But was Britain getting any decent supply of slave labour out of its extravagant investment? It seemed unlikely, since many Somalis – using the beachhead established in the UK by enterprising emigrants -- had taken the trouble to kit themselves out with British passports to be ready if ‘aid’ dried up.)
Britain also continued to lavish aid on multi-child India even though that wretchedly poor, smelly, pot-holed but nuclear-armed country had its own space programme.
*Somalia’s government received £69M annually from the UK – enabling it to keep 75 pirates in cells built for 4, in the rare event that it caught any pirates (Sun, 31 i).
MULTICULTI MURDER A jury in Canada – the world’s most holy, pacific, multicultural and boring country -- found three members (parents and son) of an Afghan Muslim family guilty of drowning no less than three teenage sisters and another woman in what the judge described as "cold-blooded, shameful murders" resulting from a "twisted concept of honour" (Guardian, 30 i). The verdicts concluded a case that shocked innocent Canadians (who had never listened to Phil Rushton). Prosecutors said the defendants killed the three teenage sisters – locking them into a car which they pushed into a canal -- because the girls had ‘dishonoured’ the family by defying its strict rules on dress (no shown cleavage), dating Christians, socialising (i.e. drinking) and using the internet. {So much for multiculturalists’ dreams of ‘integration’!}
ONE BLACK FOR SPANKING As the Black Tottenham MP, David Lammy, bravely attributed the rioting of August, 2011, to Britain’s ‘liberals’ having legally forbidden parents to smack their children (lest they leave a mark), he was promptly jumped on by a dreadlocked Black (or half-Black) Guardianista, ‘Dreda Say Mitchell’ (30 i) – but the columniste had evidently not read my own effort in this field, as below. Needless to say, the cruelty of career wymmin leaving their kids without any mothering at all for ten hours per day was not mentioned by feminoid ‘Dreda.’
Review of Milburn & Conrad (1996), followed by references on the long-term results of the use of corporal punishment by parents
New realism in social psychology: Michael A. Milburn and Sheree D. Conrad, 1996, The Politics of Denial, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press. pp. x + 292. ISBN 0-262-13330-X.
This book’s message is nothing less than that spanking is the root cause of anything that a modern psychologist is likely to call evil. According to the authors, social environmentalism no longer requires any “overly elaborate or implausible argument” (p. 4). Supposedly, spanking is an abuse that on its own leads to delinquency, crime, drug addiction, depression, suicidal thoughts, political authoritarianism, torture, war, genocide, wife-beating and, of course, further “child abuse.” Occasionally, the authors allow it would be a “gross oversimplification” to conclude that spanking produces “conservatives who hold punitive political attitudes” (p. 10); nevertheless, this is the very proposition which draws them like a magnet. Though conventional and unrelenting in its politics, this book is an unwonted piece of realism in today’s social psychology. Liberal-left post-modernists who can believe Milburn and Conrad’s thesis will kick themselves for their fifteen-year flirtation with the vagaries of hermeneuticism.
Can M&C be believed? First, can they establish what most psychologists would certainly suspect, that families in which spanking is regularly practised are likely to house quite a wide range of psychological problems? If so, can they demonstrate that the link between physical punishment and pathology remains even when statistical allowance is made for other possible causal factors such as low intelligence, low social class or high Psychoticism? In short, is there distinct evidence that spanking is actually causal to any of its down-market correlates?
Milburn & Conrad show occasional concern with answering causal questions. Mainly, however, they make immediate propaganda with whatever correlations come to hand (plus anecdotes about US Republican politicians having their hides tanned in childhood and perhaps later). On the particular, long-standing issue of the relation between physical punishment and naughtiness, the classic 1950’s evidence of Bandura and Walters and of the Cambridge-Somerville Project is wheeled in for a sentence or three, together with half-a-dozen other studies (none conducted in the 1990’s, and several only mentioned as references, not explained or discussed). Yet these studies show only that naughty boys are spanked more often, not the direction of causation between naughtiness and being spanked. Inviting considerable suspicion as to how the research literature was trawled, Sears’ (1961) classic report of there being no relation at all between spanking and later naughtiness in his 160 middle-class children goes unmentioned. The authors’ crusading determination stops them undertaking the scientific job of asking just whether, when, and where spanking is harmful — or, just possibly, helpful.
Pursuing their own condemnatory purposes, M&C make no effort to distinguish between gratuitous physical abuse, rule-governed corporal punishment, high parental standards, and tightness of parental supervision. The last three of these variables are well known to be largely independent of each other, and the first is probably independent too. Yet this book often runs them all together in flagrant pursuit of evidence that is congenial to the authors. Nor is any systematic effort made to distinguish between spanking (with an open hand or a soft object on the bottom or hand, causing no tissue damage) and beating (hitting with a closed fist or hard object with intent to damage). Still more annoying, conventional evidence does not matter much to M&C’s thesis anyway: those hypothetical victims who deny ‘abuse’ and say they actually loved their parents are written off whenever necessary as ‘in denial’ -- as is anyone who has never been ‘in therapy’ (p. 64).
Even the reader who sympathizes with M&C’s shameless biases is due for disappointment. At the very outset of the book’s coverage of supposedly spanking-induced right-wing authoritarianism (RWA), the authors crash into the barriers that constrain normal academic argument. In their own research, it was only males who showed the desired result — that those who reported having been spanked as children were “slightly more conservative.” Spanked females were actually more liberal and humanistic — requiring instant invocation by M&C of a version of the ‘denial’ argument. [Females are supposedly socialized by their mothers to ‘deny their anger’ at abuse and thus to turn their anger into friendship.... Two references (dated 1966 and 1989) are provided.] That the authors’ theory fits only 50% of the population, and then only “slightly”, will dampen the spirits of all but the wildest supporters of the child abuse industry.
What is there for readers who stay the course? Alas, worse is in store. By p. 117 — with the book far advanced as a hymn-sheet for left-of-Clinton Democrats — the authors are moved to spend two pages spelling out the ‘significant correlations’ between childhood spanking and adult RWA in 1,175 adults. The grisly attitudinal sequelae of parental punitivity take up almost a page: in summary, ‘Young people need discipline’, ‘Everything changes so quickly’, ‘The old days were better’, ‘Sex criminals should be whipped’, ‘Growing boys should have a few fist fights’, ‘Militias are OK’, ‘War is OK’, ‘Police beatings are OK’, ‘Death threats against some politicians are well deserved’, etc. As so often, M&C offer no matching control for IQ or income. Yet they hardly need to do so. For what were the ‘significant correlations’? The reader who turns to the Appendix will find they range from .04 to .15 around a median of .07. If this is the best that the new realists can do, it is small wonder that left-ish social psychologists of the 1980’s took to constructivism!
How could M&C have landed themselves in such a pickle? Their own frequent accusation against the right is that of ‘denial.’ However, over the years, it has increasingly seemed that the ‘liberal’-left have not even bothered to read what they themselves wish so fervently to deny. For example, arch-environmentalists Maurice Schiff and Richard Lewontin can hardly have read a word of Hans Eysenck or Arthur Jensen (Brand, 1987). In 1996, the leading critic of IQ testing, Leon Kamin, declared that he had no intention of trying to read my own de-published — but freely available — book, The g Factor. And Phil Rushton (1997) observes that Stephen Jay Gould’s ‘revision’ of The Mismeasure of Man shows no sign of Gould’s having read even key articles in Intelligence by Jensen and John Carroll. In the case of M&C, these authors simply cannot have read the APA-prize-winning work of Bob Altemeyer (1988) even though they use Altemeyer’s own scales. In painstaking and systematic researches with his Canadian undergraduates (thus partly controlling for socio-economic and IQ differences) Altemeyer found his data to be largely unsupportive of the idea that parental violence or chastisement had any connection with a child’s later RWA score. On Altemeyer’s measures (including assessment of fantasies, so as to avoid social desirability response set), right-wing authoritarians were not even higher in ‘aggression.’
Rather, what Altemeyer found central to RWA psychology was the rejection of homosexuality. Such rejection presumably reflects a mixture of genes and individual developmental choices (cf. Badcock, 1994; Sulloway, 1996). The fifty-year-old ‘redirected aggression’ yarn of Theodore Adorno and the rest of the Frankfurt School in psychology has simply little or nothing to do with RWA. Unpleasant, low-social-class fathers have more violent and unhappy children not because they beat them but because (a) they supplied the children with their own poor genes, and (b) their behaviour suggested to the child that paternal investment was likely to be restricted. In response to such parental offerings, children make dramatic but divergent responses: some mimic parental RWA to solicit investment, while others seek a peace with the world via feminization and homosexuality. Spanking itself does not predict the route that will be taken. Such horror-charged development will be all too common until parents are made legally responsible for the full costs of the upbringing of their children, including the costs of providing criminal justice in adolescence. But excessive parental chastisement will have no more link to authoritarianism than to humanitarianism — as, indeed, in M&C’s own research.
As environment-realists, M&C are thus a flop. This is because they are too hysterical to look at the facts and appreciate the involvement of individual (genetically guided) choices. Indeed, pace M&C, the children of heavy-handed fathers might possibly have benefited from even more beating than they in fact received — if only it had been administered by higher-IQ parents in a spirit of proper punishment rather than out of drunken impulse or sheer brutality. Hereditarians can certainly take much consolation from M&C’s failure to prove their case. The only proper caveat about ridiculing this book is that any comparable volume from typical pro-spankers would probably be still worse.
ALTEMEYER, Bob (1988). Enemies of Freedom: Understanding Right-Wing Authoritarianism. San Diego : Jossey-Bass.
BADCOCK, C. (1994). PsychoDarwinism. London : HarperCollins.
BRAND, C. R. (1987). ‘A touch of class.’ Nature 325, 767-768.
RUSHTON, J. P. (1997). ‘Race, intelligence and the brain: the errors and omissions of the “revised” edition of S. J. Gould’s The Mismeasure of Man.’ (Special Review.) Personality & Individual Differences.
SEARS, R. R. (1961). ‘Relation of early socialization experiences to aggression in middle childhood.’ Journal of Abnormal & Social Psychology 63, 466-492.
SULLOWAY, F. J. (1996). Born to Rebel: Birth Order, Family Dynamics and Creative Lives. London : Little Brown.
Publication reference for the above:
BRAND, Chris (1997). ‘New realism in social psychology.’ Personality & Individual Differences 23, 2, 61-2.
Key research references for pro-spankers and anti-spankers
BANDURA, A. & WALTERS, R. H. (1959). Adolescent Aggression: A Study of the Influence of Child-Training Practices and Family Interrelationships. New York : Ronald Press.
BECKER, W. C. (1964). ‘Consequences of different kinds of parental discipline.’ In M. L. Hoffman & L. W. Hoffman, Review of Child Development Research. New York : Russell Sage Foundation.
BONGIOVANNI, A. F. (1979). ‘An analysis of research on punishment and its relation to the use of corporal punishment in schools.’ In I. A. Hyman & J. H. Wise, Corporal Punishment in American Education: Readings in History, Practice and Alternatives. Philadelphia, PA : Temple University Press.
BRAND, C. R. (1998). ‘New realism in social psychology.’ A review of Michael A. Milburn and Sheree D. Conrad, 1996, The Politics of Denial, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press. Personality & Individual Differences.
EMBRY, D. & MALFETTI, J. L. (1982). Safe Playing: Final Report on Process Field Test. Washington, DC : AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.
ERON, L. D. (1982). ‘Parent-child interaction, television violence and aggression of children.’ American Psychologist 37, 197-211.
LABOUR’S CLIENT STATE EXPOSED As Stephen Hester, the Labour-appointed boss of the bankrupt ‘Royal Bank of Scotland’ (82% owned i.e. bailed out by the British taxpayer after the follies of Glasgow-council-house-originating ‘Sir’ Fred the Shred Goodwin), part-obliged the irate British public by handing back his £1M bonus for 2011 (a grand 8% of his income for a state-supported casino never-fail gambling job that could be done by a monkey* – as was said by an economics expert on BBC Radio 4, 30 i, 22:40), it turned out that Britain’s Labour-loving, Labour-appointed luni vice-chancellors had been allowed to clock up annual salaries as high as £404K (Guardian, 31 i) (for smiling at mums and dads, looking prosperously fat, writing occasional small peecee paragraphs in luni brochures, and sacking discomfiting race-realist lecturers) – salaries three times as high as that of the Prime Minister, so valuable were their v-c services in selling Labour government to the public (especially to student dupes given paid ‘sabbaticals’ to run ‘student unions’).
*The job essentially involved pressing a button marked GAMBLE and enjoying the resulting banana; if no banana arrived, the monkey pressed GOVERNMENT and got its banana that way.
SEX NOT FORGOTTEN Disappointed readers of this blog who felt there was not enough sex in it could be referred for entertainment to my offerings at BBC h2g2: [The ‘individual psychology’ of Alfred Adler] [Review of Erich Fromm’s Art of Loving] [Famous Bastards in History] [What went wrong with conservatism? -- A review of José Ortega y Gasset] [Liberating the Future from the Past – re eugenics] [Sex and the Twenty-first Century])
As to what the future held, readers could see the Sun’s story on 1 ii of a Winchester court being told of the abduction by her siblings of a Muslim girl seen kissing a White boy – the girl’s hair was hacked off and she was threatened that she would have her head bashed in with a hammer. Equally promisingly for evo-Freudian accounts of sex, a blind Birmingham girl of 25 fell pregnant by a lame 65-yr-old retired lorry driver who was promptly thrown out by his own daughter from the council house which they had shared (Sun, 1 ii).
LABOUR’S LEGACY After 45 years of egalitarian Labour and its client minions destroying British education at every level (apart from the richer Oxbridge colleges), British employers openly told journalists that they were advertising jobs (from nurse to porter) in Romania because young Romanians had better job-relevant skills, work habits, comprehensible English, dressing sense and table manners (e.g. Sunday Times, 30 i).
Labour-honoured ‘Sir’ Fred Goodwin (RBS) had his knighthood revoked – the first to suffer this fate since the downfall of once-Labour-loved dictators Benito Mussolini, Nicolae Ceausescu and Robert Mugabe and Cambridge University spy Antony Blunt.
(Never fear for the cheeky-chappy Glaswegian [venerated by the SNP as well as Labour] who had cost Britain £45B: he still had a £6,500-per-week pension on which to fall back!) Fat, balded, bespectacled, piggy-eyed and swaggering Labour-appointed CEO Stephen Hester (RBS) felt obliged by media pressure to give up his Labour-arranged £1M ‘bonus’ for 2011 – during which RBS shares had halved in value. (But he was left with an estimated £11M income for the year.) Other Labour-backed bankstas in Tory sights were Sir Victor Blank and Sir James Crosby who could be stripped of their knighthoods for their roles in the merger of Lloyds and HBOS at the height of the financial crisis (Guardian, 2 ii). One Tory said:
"These guys [Goodwin et al.] were on the last helicopter out of Saigon while we were taking it up the chuff from Ho Chi Minh. So we are going after them. There should be more – Sir Victor Blank and Sir James Crosby. Victor Blank agreed to take over HBOS as a favour to Gordon Brown. There will be an FSA report on that next year. It won't be the same plane crash of awfulness that was RBS. But it will still be pretty bad."
{What was most extraordinary in all this was the failure of the wretched wankstas to produce a single tame academic ‘economist’ or at least PR snake to provide the slightest justification for their bloated remuneration. – But, of course, no one dared address the origin of the financial bubble, which was in unmentionable multicult-enforced lending under Presidents Sackmacack Clinton and Dazed Dubya Bush to ‘subprime’ Blecks and Spics (q.v., passim).}
The UK Coalition Government decided to ditch fully 3,050 Labour-introduced and state-examined school ‘courses’ (aka ‘Mickey Mouse courses’) – such as Countryside Skills, Hair Services and Nail Technology (Sun, 1 ii, ‘End of the daft class’) – since they had proved of no value in getting jobs for kids, as well as being academically worthless. {The reason? E.g.: hairdressers needed trainees who could converse about politics, footie and the monarchy – requiring passable intelligence and diplomacy; whereas most strictly hairdressing skills could be taught in a shop in a day.}
The Labour habit of dishing out ‘international aid’ in dysgenic policies for space-programmed India etc. (a habit ludicrously continued by the UK’s Coalition Government) was exposed as worthless as India gave a £13B contract for jet aircraft to France. The French ‘Rafale’ plane had been out-performed in all tests by the mainly-made-in-Britain ‘Eurofighter’; but the French subsidized the cost of their aircraft rather than wasting money on India’s peasants (a £1.2B British programme which evidently impressed money-mad Indian politicos not a bit). (Likewise Britain’s £1.4B aid over several years to Pakiland made no impression, for even an ultra-diplomatic Nato report concluded what realists had known for years: that the Pak Army (which governed the wretched country) supported the Taleban Mueslis against Americans, Brits and women in Afghaniland.)
MUESLIS SHOW WHAT THEY’RE MADE OF The year-old ‘Arab Spring’, beloved of Western MSM and politicos wishing to drape themselves in idealism, progressed in Egypt’s Port Said to killing 74 (and injuring 1,000) in five minutes by suffocation as footie-mad Muesli Brothers / Mubarak supporters / Mubarak opponents (‘ultras’) / Egyptian police (it was not clear which) ignited a blaze at the Cairo footie stadium in response to violence, panic and murderous stampede as fleeing Cairo ‘ultra’ fans were crushed at Port Said into a corridor when attacked by knife-, club- and rock-wielding enthusiasts for Mubarak, allegedly let loose and even encouraged by police (Guardian, 2 ii).
Shaken ex-Tottenham midfielder Willy-Wally said: "Egyptian football has a bad reputation for hooliganism but this was sheer butchery." Ghastly Wally, who had made 34 appearances for Spurs between 2006 and 2009, said: "The match was full of tension with insults exchanged between both sets of fans. There was nothing unlucky about all this — it was all premeditated. Our squad decided to stay inside afterwards. Within minutes police and doctors came in with wounded people and some dead.” "It was hell,” said Ghaly, “the worst experience of my life. It was just a match for us but we got caught up in a war."
Meantime 350 Papua New Guineans were tipped into the Pacific as their ship capsized, from whatever incompetence. However dysgenically, 150 PNGers were rescued by the Australian navy; but there would have been many who wished they had been spared by the paedophilic attentions of America’s Nobelist Carlton Gajdusek who had, er, singlehandedly, rescued 50 PNG kids c.1990 to the relative safety of his Washington home (q.v.)....
IMMIGRATION DREAMS The UK Coalition immigration minister, Damian Green, encouragingly claimed that ministers {which?...} wanted or said they wished if possible, possibly, if only the Guardian weren’t too cross, to move to a more highly selective policy under which only the right kind of migrants are allowed to enter Britain (Guardian, 2 ii). Apparently, new immigrants would need to earn more than £31K p.a. (after being in GB for five years) {or be married to a similarly average-earning or propertied and taxpaying UK citizen?....}
{How would any of this be checked? At what expense?} {Alas for out-of-touch Damian, UK employers wanted well-behaved slave labour at £9K p.a. and would certainly find it by hook or crook from abroad, the ‘Conservatives’ having conspired with Labour to demolish the disciplines of Britain’s one-time schools, to allow 3 million Britoids to live on the dole oops jobseekers’ allowance, and (after 50 years of the sanctified National ‘Health’ [aka Death] Service) to allow a further 3 million to register as state-beneficiaries of ‘disablement.‘}
WEST CATCHES ON TO PASHTUN ‘BOY PLAY’ Ten years after invading Afghanistan to evict the Taleban and al-Qaeda and instal feminism, education, toilets and demakrazy, America began to learn from returning soldiers of the true nature of the country (Law Enforcement Examiner, ii). Evidently, the major forms of entertainment for men, especially the Pashtuns of the south, were – as for centuries -- paedophilia (with pre-pubescents) and pederasty (with post-pubescents) – making up for the lack of opportunity for fornication with females.
Boys were given as gifts or purchased at dance halls (where they dressed as girls, with bells on their ankles). To have such a boy was a major source of prestige among Pashtun warriors. Sodomy was frequent, but the boys would also be educated by their masters.
Sex with male minors was deemed compatible with Islam since no love was involved (as indeed in much of the rest of Afghani life). Amusingly, the main opponents of ‘boy play’ in Afghaniland were the Taleban.... (and, of course, OK Bin Liner was finally found watching videos at the military heart [Obottybadbad] of the great US ally, Pakistan....).
HONG KONG FED UP WITH “UNCOUTH” IMMIGRANTS It was not just the West that was fed up with dullard immigration (Mexicans to America, Mueslis to Europe): Daily Telegraph, 2 ii, David Eimer:
"A giant locust looms menacingly over the Hong Kong skyline in the full-page ad in the Apple Daily, while the text underneath it rails against the so-called "birth tourists", the mainland Chinese mothers who come to Hong Kong in increasing numbers to have their babies.
In Hong Kong, "locust" is a derogatory term for immigrants and tourists from China and the ad has struck a chord amongst residents so dissatisfied with their mainland compatriots that, 15 years after Hong Kong ceased to be a British colony, more than twice as many people identify themselves as citizens of Hong Kong rather than of China.
The Apple Daily advert, which was paid for by Hong Kong's leading web portal, appeared on Thursday and "strongly demands" an end to the "unlimited infiltration of mainland Chinese couples into Hong Kong".
The children of mainland parents born in Hong Kong are entitled to residency and so many mothers are now coming to Hong Kong to give birth that both hospitals and schools are over-subscribed.
Last month, thousands of pregnant women took to the streets to protest at the way public services are being squeezed by the influx of mainlanders.
Earlier this week, Hong Kong's government bowed to anger over the issue and cut the quota of mainland mothers allowed to give birth each year from 10,000 to 3,400. Next year, they may be barred completely.
But "birth tourists" are just one of the many reasons for the increasingly bitter war of words between Hong Kong's 7 million residents and the 1.3 billion people in China. Hong Kongers resent the way mainland immigrants have pushed up property prices and regard tourists from China as uncouth.
In turn, mainlanders view Hong Kongers as overly superior and patronising.
When a video of locals arguing with Chinese tourists who were eating on the Hong Kong subway went viral last week, a Peking University professor lambasted Hong Kongers as "b-------", "thieves" and "dogs of British imperialists".
A vast cultural divide continues to separate Hong Kong, which prides itself on its legitimate entrepreneurial energy, independent legal system and freedom of speech, from the corrupt economic free-for-all and repressive rule that characterises the communist-run mainland.
Re-unification in 1997 after 155 years as a British colony was supposed to draw Hong Kong close into the embrace of the motherland. But a University of Hong Kong survey in December revealed that the number of Hong Kong residents identifying themselves as Chinese had sunk to a 12-year low.
‘LIBERALS’ REVEALED Manically beaming and stubbly top ‘Liberal Democrat’ Chris Huhne, a something-or-other [‘Secretary for No Nuclear Energy and Climate Change (some hope!)’] in Daft Dave Cameron’s pseudo-Conservative UK Coalition Cabinet, was charged by the Crown Prosecution Service, along with his toothy, bespectacled and wrinkled ‘economist’ wife (and mother of three by him) Vicky Price (whom he had dumped in favour of an even more ghastly fat and frumpy bisexual), with perverting the course of justice – having allegedly persuaded his Vicky (in the days when they still got on) to take speeding points for him (by claiming she had been in the driving seat after Luhny had been pulled over by police) (Sun, 3 ii).
LibDim Huhne thus joined a long line of top ‘Liberals’ guilty of sodomy (Jeremy Thorpe, Simon Hughes), adultery (Paddy ‘Pantsdown’), shit-eating (Mark ‘Eatem’ Oaten), alcoholism (comic Charles ‘Mine’s a triple’ Kennedy), somnolence (Sir ‘Mong’ Campbell), Euroland infatuation (‘Nice’ billionaire Nick Clegg – also traitor to his young supporters re student fees) and fraudulence (econowallah David Laws – also queer).
{‘Liberal’ they were. ‘National Liberal’ they were not – for the original Liberal, the great Lord Palmerston, had largely limited himself to fornication with the wenches of Queen Victoria’s Windsor Castle; and the mighty Lloyd George’s distractions from his war-winning duties had at least only been with skirt!}
{Britain’s ‘Liberals’ of C20 had become chiefly ‘socialists without money’ – having failed to cultivate trade union support (and being dependent on one or two tax-dodging billionaires), but appealing to the soppier shit-eater-tolerant [or just-plain–ignorant] middle classes.} Mr Luhne said he would contest all charges – presumably on the basis that the main police evidence came simply from his embittered wife.
WONDERS OF THE C21 WORLD While most Labour-grown-and-fed Britoid wankstas continued to fail to surrender their multi-million-pound ‘bonuses’ (for greed, recklessness, belief in Black subprime lenders and general stupidity [including rank ignorance of the ‘derivatives’ in which they were insouciantly gambling]), the subsidiary remaining firms of C21 capitalism continued to bombard UK homeowners with telephone calls (several per day, sometimes at 9am and 9pm) to illustrate the downside of capitalism.
Equally loonily, the post brought me a Royal Bank of Scotland bank statement from Bangor (north-west Wales) and a notification of state pension increase (an amazing 7.5% for no obvious, let alone stated reason) from Belfast (Northern Ireland).*
Likewise, over the past few years, my (exceedingly simple) tax affairs had been dealt with not just from Edinburgh (‘Haymarket Yards’) but from Glagow (Cumbernauld), Stirling, Falkirk, Galashiels, Bradford, Newcastle, Leicester, Ipswich, Liverpool and one or two other immemorable places (Bootle – my records show). Presumably one could expect subsequent communications to come from Bombay ooops Mumbai....
At the same time, police in Gwent (south-east Wales) had to pay a 73-yr-old retired businessman £28K for having bashed in (with fifteen blows of a baton) the window of his £60K Range Rover when he failed to stop sufficiently promptly for their liking (he had not worn a seatbelt – fined £235) – the incident (which included one cop trying – unsuccessfully -- to kick in the RR windscreen) had been filmed from the policemen’s own car and ended up going viral on YouTube) (Sun, 3 ii).
The council of Meriden, Essex, which had spent £8M to evict gypsies from an illegal site, ordered further lawyer-enriching action to evict villagers who had themselves set up camp at the site to make sure the gypsies did not return (Sun, 3 ii).
HMG was to spend £8M on a national Happiness Index dreamt up by ‘economists’ who had no idea that ‘happiness’ was largely determined by genetic levels of (non-)neuroticism.
The House of Commons’ ‘Strangers’ Bar’ withdrew from sale a top-quality Staffordshire beer, ‘Top Totty,’ after a gigantic-jawed, piggy-eyed, big-eared, grey-haired Labour MP, E.LU. graduette and divorcée Kate Green, 51, complained that a “half naked” [i.e. bikini-clad] bunny girl [as known and loved since 1965] was used in the beer’s advertising, making it “offensive to women” (D.Telegraph, 3 ii).
* The bureaucrats also included an apology for ‘any distress caused’ [presumably to relatives] if their missive arrived when I was already dead – a matter on which it should have been possible for them to check in national records since about 1801.
NEW RACISM TO COMPLAIN ABOUT In a refreshing change from Black accusations against Whites, grievance-led Blacks mounted a major campaign against “racist” Korean businesses in Dallas, Texas (AmRen, 31 i). The South Korean government rushed its ambassador to the city to urge the Korean community there to remain calm and not to stoke the fire. Dallas had the largest Korean-American community in the state of Texas, with about 1,000 businesses there owned by Koreans.
MULTICULTI FRANCE LEARNS LESSON Parisians were given a visual aid re Bleckness as peecee police reluctantly released “sensitive” photos (after enquiries by a magazine) of a Negro wanted for raping and stabbing numerous White, adolescent, blonde, blue-eyed girls – having first ascertained (by questioning) that they were Christian and of French nationality (Libertarian Republican, 16 i).
BIOLOGY WINS A remarkable tribute to the waist-hip-ratio (WHR) principle (discovered by girls c. 1750 and by scientists c. 1995) was provided by ‘human hourglass’ Romanian Iona Spangenberg, 30, discovered (and married) by a nice German businessman. Iona’s waist was a mere 20” despite eating a healthy three square meals a day; just 5’6” tall, her hip circumference was 32” and her bust 30” – and she had generous lips and a nice smile. A natural Victorian girl, if a tad anorexic, she had not been appreciated in Communist and poverty-stricken Romania where fatness was valued as a sign of being able to get through the winter (in a country where temperatures descended to an alarming -30C in 2012, while Scotland basked in Atlantic breezes).

For another example of the genre, readers could see Amy Johnson, 21, the latest sensation in Bollywood.
SYRIAN SHI-ITES STICK IT TO SUNNIS The West, having spent all its money on Bosnia, Afghaniland, Eyeraq and wankstas, found it had no spare dosh with which to bring down Pres. Assad of Syria – especially as Syria, like Iran, was backed by Russian and China which regarded the Shitites as a more reliable source of oil than the Saudi and Qatari Solunnis who could at any moment be undermined by loopy Western enthusiasm for the ‘Arab Spring.’
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