As February brought an extra 350K Syrians surging towards Europe, and a Geneva-outlawed ballistic missile test was held without Western hindrance by North Korean enslaver-dictator Kim-il-Pong, ex-Labourite columnist Rod Liddle properly noted the apparently unopposed infiltration of the UN by left-wing twerps [Sunday Times, 7 ii].
"Scarcely a month goes by without some damning indictment of the UK by one of the UN’s proliferating panel of Third World lawyers on the make. Usually some fourth-division neo-Marxist halfwit, such as the Brazilian UN “rapporteur” Raquel Rolnik who worked herself into a frenzy about the bedroom tax [which required UK council house denizens to pay for any spare rooms].
Let me tell you about Raquel. She once sacrificed a live chicken to the ghost of her hero Karl Marx, while studying in a Paris bedsit. No, not kidding. Quite what gives this idiotic Brazilian commie, surrounded by teeming disease-ridden favelas, the right to lecture us about housing policy escapes me.
Still less the Argentinian rapporteur Juan Mendez, who decided we were quite wrong to try to scrap the Human Rights Act, or indeed a UN panjandrum called Joseph Cannataci who ordained that the UK should stop its surveillance of possible terrorists. But then this is an organisation that sees not a scintilla of irony in having, on its Human Rights Council, delegates from Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Russia and that bastion of democracy Togo.
It is also an organisation to which we are the fifth-largest donor, providing more than 5% of its income. Money it spends on left-wing lawyers and academics to eviscerate the only countries in the world that even pretend to give a monkey’s about its fatuous adjudications. Incidentally, we fork out almost 7% of the cost of the UN’s peacekeeping operations. Hell, that’s money well spent, isn’t it?
The latest UN verdict concerns the WikiLeaks nerd and megalomaniac Julian Assange. Three members of a UN panel — from those vibrant democracies South Korea, Mexico and Benin — decided that we had detained Assange wrongly and that he should be “released” and paid compensation.
Assange has been holed up in the Ecuadorean embassy for 3½ years because he does not wish to face charges of sexual assault in Sweden. I assume the Ecuadoreans, even though they are lefties, are heartily sick of the man by now, tapping away at his computer, emerging only to beg for another plate of nachos and maybe some grilled armadillo.
Plainly, we have not detained him. He is free to go. This is not detention, this is “hiding”. Assange himself described the UN panel’s decision as a “victory of historic importance”. But then in Julian’s mind, everything he does is a victory of historic importance — picking his nose, going to the lavatory, talking to Guardian journalists and so on. He is still full of himself, even though many cretinous Brit luvvies, such as Jemima Khan, deserted his cause after he skipped bail and fled to the embassy.
Obviously, we should take no notice of the UN panel’s decision — apart from maybe reviewing our membership. The real question is how did the United Nations — like so many of our own institutions — come to be captured by these First World-loathing liberal lefties?"
To which a correspondent helpfully added
"The UN is not the only institution taken over by left-wing ideologues. Amnesty International, Greenpeace, Oxfam, the RSPCA, and many others have gone the same way. They are started by people with good intentions who generally want the world to be a better place, but those sorts of people too often lack the resolve and staying power to withstand the more determined entryism of the Left, who, having failed to get any sort of democratic mandate for their discredited doctrinaire views, look for half-open back doors to sneak through".
An Iraqi migrant has admitted raping a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool in Austria because he had not had sex in four months and it was a “sexual emergency”.
The 20-year-old man is accused of attacking the boy in a cubicle of the Theresienbad swimming pool in Vienna, telling police he had “followed his desires”.
The victim had to be hospitalised following injuries inflicted by the suspect, who worked as a taxi driver after arriving in Austria via the Balkans in September, and who has a wife and daughter back in Iraq.
After the attack, the suspect left the cubicle and went to enjoy himself by springing from the three-metre-high diving board while the victim alerted a lifeguard, Austrian newspaper the Kronen Zeitung reported.
An ambulance was called immediately and police arrested the man at the pool.
He told police during interrogation that he knew he had made “a huge mistake” and that he had left a “big scar on the boy”.
But he said he had “followed his desires,” adding: “I haven’t had sex for four months.”
The man explained that before coming to Austria he had been with a woman in Iraq who wasn’t his wife, who he said had been constantly ill since the birth of their daughter.
In Austria, he had “not withstood not having any sex because he had a marked surplus of sexual energy”, he said in interrogation.
The man said he knew that having sex with 10-year-old boys was “forbidden in any country of the world”, the Kronen Zeitung reported. The man is currently in custody.
The attack took place on December 2, but police said they did not release details to “protect the victim”.
But police have now officially announced the details of the crime after reports emerged on Facebook, with the Kronen Zeitung reporting the incident in December following unofficial confirmation.
Egalitarians received a rude surprise as psychologists reported that dogs who did well at one problem-solving task also did well at others – as happens for humans on mental tests, yielding differences in general intelligence [MA/IQ] [Daily Mail, 8 ii].
"Researchers at the London School of Economics and the University of Edinburgh tested 68 border collies – normally considered the most intelligent dogs and thus having restricted g range. The tests included navigation, measured by timing how long it took to find food hidden behind barriers, and if the dogs could tell the difference between different amounts of food. They were also assessed at how well they could follow a human pointing to an object. The researchers found that dogs who did well on one test tended be better at the other tests – suggesting that intelligence is ‘generalised’ in dogs, as it is in humans. Furthermore, dogs that did tests faster were likely to do them more accurately.
Dr Rosalind Arden, a Research Associate at LSE, said: ‘Just as people vary in their problem solving abilities, so do dogs, even within one breed.This is significant because in humans there is a small but measurable tendency for people who are brighter to be healthier and live longer. So if, as our research suggests, dog intelligence is structured similarly to ours, studying a species that doesn’t smoke, drink, use recreational drugs and does not have large differences in education and income, may help us understand this link between intelligence and health better. In addition, dogs are one of the few animals that reproduce many of the key features of dementia, so understanding their cognitive abilities could be valuable in helping us to understand the causes this disorder in humans and possibly test treatments for it.’
Dr Mark Adams, Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, said: “This is only a first step, but we are aiming to create a dog IQ test that is reliable, valid and can be administered quickly. Such a test could rapidly improve our understanding of the connection between dog intelligence, health, even lifespan, and, he jested, be the foundation of ‘dognitive epidemiology’.... Dogs are excellent for this kind of work because they are willing to participate and seem to enjoy taking part.”
In order to get a large sample of dogs from similar backgrounds the researchers recruited working border collies, which meant that there weren’t big differences in how they were raised. The dogs were tested at Kinloch Sheepdogs.
‘A general intelligence factor in dogs’ by Rosalind Arden and Mark James Adams doi:10.1016/j.intell.2016.01.008 appears in Intelligence 55, March–April 2016, pp 79–85, published by Elsevier."
After naughtily pondering whether Oriel College’s statue of its mighty benefactor might be replaced by one of Zimbabwe [Southern Rhodesia] dictator Robert Mugabe, Private Eye [5 ii] turned to considering whether the Oxford University Student Union [where lefties had voted 81-5 to bring down the statue] should seek removal of London statues of Ndebele-slaughtering Sir Hiram Maxim*, Russian-slaughtering Vladimir Lenin and eugenics inventor Sir Francis Galton.
And why not of the fifteen pictures of Galton held by the National Portrait Gallery?
But in the end the Eye reprieved Oriel as a listed building.
The Eye concluded “....the childish ‘Rhodes must Fall’ campaign combined with the initial wetness of Oriel threatens to open a Pandora’s Box of modern, posturing iconoclasm – barbarism, in fact.”
[An epic ten-part TV series, ‘Rhodes,’ had been provided by the BBC in 1996 – somewhat ungainly and exaggerating evidence of Rhodes’ homoexuality/paedophilia, but fair to his liberalism, to his wanting negro enfranchisement, and to his dislike of apartheid.]
* During the Battle of the Shangani, 700 soldiers fought off 5,000 warriors with just four Maxim guns. It played an important role in the swift European colonization of Africa in the late 19th century. The extreme lethality was employed to devastating effect against obsolete charging tactics, when native opponents could be lured into pitched battles in open terrain. As it was put by Hilaire Belloc, in the words of the figure "Blood" in his poem "The Modern Traveller":
Whatever happens, we have got
The Maxim gun, and they have not.
Surprisingly in a pro-establishment newspaper, correspondents to the Times could be found venting their fury at the mad authoritarian idealism of Germany’s Mutti Merkel. An example [10 ii] –
"....Oxford’s Professor Sir Paul Collier, in an interview with Die Welt, saw no meaningful reason for her actions in the migrant crisis, even going so far as to state that, far from saving a single Syrian life, she has the many deaths on her conscience, as there was no need for one single Syrian to make the dangerous journey to get [to Germany].
In other words Merkel has in every way damaged Germany, such that there is no going back. And in going it alone, in the tradition of the Kaiser, the Führer, and now Mutti herself, she has once more asserted German dominance and power, negating the whole of German policy since Adenauer, which was designed to make Germany into a reliable partner for the rest of Europe. She is, in other words, the greatest catastrophe since Hitler and will have destroyed Germany and Europe as once the Kaiser the Führer did -- differently, but just as effectively. Happy days are here again!
Fresh from more than doubling the vote of any other Republican candidate in the primary elections in New Hampshire, bumptious billionaire Donald Trump forecast that Europe would not escape its own 9/11 and would respond to the treachery of its idealistic peecee politicos with revolution – which he said his German friends now dreaded [D.Telegraph, 11 ii]. This prognostication was reinforced by the first report – from Turkish authorities – of migrants from Syria/Iraq trying to head towards Europe with suicide vests and grenades [D.T.].
Believing oneself monitored by an all-knowing and sometimes punishing God was associated with being more co-operative and more generous to co-religionists. Such was the finding of researchers in evolutionary anthropology and international relations from the universities of Oxford and British Columbia as they quizzed and experimented on 600 subjects from eight countries and a range of religious/irreligious beliefs [Nature, 10 ii].
The finding was in line with empirical demonstration of the importance of surveillance in controlling crime [Brand, 1971, New Society], with historical suggestions that the first human societies involved a genetic leap into the paranoia of thinking oneself watched and addressed [Jaynes, 1976, The Origin of Consciousness], and today’s likelihood that criminality fuelled by drugs, dysgenics and darkie immigration had only been – however partially – controlled by a massive increase of surveillance by videocamera and internet.
The g factor among children of the same age was found to predict educational success in adolescence four times more strongly than all other human factors put together. In data from 4.5K twins, the ‘Big Five’ personality dimensions beloved of cowardly g-avoidant psycholoshits, plus a fashionable measure of ‘grit’ [determination/persistence], plus estimates of home and school excellence were quite outclassed by g. The biggest predictor of GCSE success was intelligence, which accounted for roughly 40 per cent of achievement [Daily Mail, 12 ii].
A further 50 per cent of success could not be predicted, the King’s College London researchers said. The study’s first author, Kaili Rimfeld from the Institute of Psychiatry said: “Until now there has been very little evidence about the origins of differences between children in ‘grit’ and its influence on academic achievement, despite the fact that it plays an important role in UK and US education policies.”
The result came in as Britain’s ‘Tory’ government committed itself to a wide range of antiquated liberalistic tinkering hoped to yield heaven on earth in schools [where grammar was being taught to the IQ80s....], prisons [where ‘rehabilitation’ was the rage – as it had been off and on since the 1930s], hospitals [where obese sociologized nurses were to provide unused 24-7 service] and businesses [where dyslexics demoted for mistakes could sue employers] – anything rather than treat people in accordance with their wishes and abilities.
Pitiless Muslim attitudes to modern Western and Christian love – and especially to love and marriage being self-chosen and not ‘arranged’ by parents or priests – went on remarkable display among Muesli politicos, preachers and street protesters. Pakistan's president denounced St Valentine's Day, saying the festival had no connection with Pakistani culture and should be avoided. President Mamnoon Hussain told students that it was a Western tradition and conflicted with Muslim culture. His remarks came after a district in north-western Pakistan banned Valentine's Day celebrations altogether as “obscene.”
Peshawar – Pakistan’s oldest city, pop 3.5M -- also passed a resolution to ban celebrations of what it called a "useless" day. In the run-up to the festival, one conservative newspaper described it as a "festival of obscenity", asking if Pakistanis would next start celebrating the Hindu Diwali or the Christian Christmas.
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